Correspondence: Letters to and from Thomas Merton
Item set
- 1965-04-03: Correspondence with Angela of the Eucharist, OCD (Angela Collins, née Viola M. Collins), letter from Merton
- 1965-04-01: Correspondence with Angela of the Eucharist, OCD (Angela Collins, née Viola M. Collins), letter to Merton
1965-05-15: Letter from Jacques Winandy to Thomas Merton, 1965 May 15 Thomas Merton and Dom Winandy discuss the hermit and life Merton's essay, "For a Renewal of Eremitism."
Letter to James H. Forest from Thomas Merton. 1962 January 29 [misprinted as 1961], published as: "Thomas Merton on the Strike". Thomas Merton's letter to James Forest from January 29, 1962 was published in the February 1962 issue of the Catholic Worker. The letter references the General Strike for Peace, a protest against militarism, the "war economy", and nuclear testing at the U.S. AEC (Atomic Energy Commission ). The protest was held at New York Operations Office of the Atomic Energy Commission, at Hudson and Houston Streets in New York City. The letter was distributed during the second day of the sit down strike.
1959-12-14: Letter to Ernesto Mejía Sánchez from Thomas Merton. 1959 December 14 Ernesto Mejía Sánchez was born in Nicaragua and lived his later life as a poet, essayist, literary critic, anthologist, and diplomat in Mexico. He can be placed with the "Generación del 40" and noted alongside other Nicaraguan poets, like Merton's friend Ernesto Cardenal and José Coronel Urtecho.
1968-10-15: Letter from Jean Leclercq to Thomas Merton In this letter from Benedictine scholar Dom Jean Leclercq, there is a reminder that Thomas Merton's final journey was cut short and that he had planned to travel to Japan.
1959-12-18: Letter from Ernesto Mejía Sánchez to Thomas Merton Ernesto Mejía Sánchez was born in Nicaragua and lived his later life as a poet, essayist, literary critic, anthologist, and diplomat in Mexico. He can be placed with the "Generación del 40" and noted alongside other Nicaraguan poets, like Merton's friend Ernesto Cardenal and José Coronel Urtecho.
Letter to Thomas Merton from James H. Forest. No date (undated #1) Correspondence with James H. Forest who was involved in the Catholic Worker movement and started the Catholic Peace Fellowship. Letter to Merton regarding an article in TIME magazine.
Statement about Thomas Merton by James H. Forest. 1965 December 22 Statement issued by Forest on behalf of Thomas Merton regarding his present status as a Trappist monk.
Memo to Thomas Merton and others from James H. Forest. 1967 May 2 Memo sent to Merton and others regardng a call for prominent concerned Catholics to write to the Papal Nuncio in Bogota, Colombia to help fund a proposed Ecumenical Congress.