Novitiate Conferences by Thomas Merton and Guests

Beginning in April 1962 Thomas Merton's lectures to the novices, and then later to the community, were recorded. All of the following recordings, over 700 conferences, totaling more than 400 hours, are housed in the archives of the Thomas Merton Center. The majority of recordings are by Thomas Merton with a small subset being recordings made by guests that Merton brought to lecture to his novices.

The recordings were originally made on reel-to-reel tapes. Through financial assistance from the Merton Legacy Trust all of the recordings have been remastered onto compact discs and are available to researchers and visitors of the Merton Center. A number of these recordings were made available through various publishers over the years. The first company to publish the recordings was Electronic Paperbacks. The project was continued by Credence Cassettes, formerly the audio tape division of the National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company. Publication continued under an independent company named Credence Communications until 2007.

A growing number of the recordings are currently available through Learn25. Unlike the earlier published recordings, the source material for the CD's and mp3's published by Now You Know uses the newly remastered recordings for improved quality. Use the links on the column to the right to navigate to a library catalog record corresponding to the published version of a talk by Merton.

The majority of the titles used were those assigned by the monks who recorded the conferences. Frequently Merton would cover a number of different topics so the titles are not always a good indication of the content of a particular tape. Some of the titles have been slightly amended.


*Those listed under "Published Link" as "MT-[number]" are available through the following subscription service:
*The following links under "Tape" are only available at the Thomas Merton Center.

Tape Date Length Title Published Link
001 Tr-1 1962/04/27 28:36 Conversion of manners
001 Tr-2 1962/04/28 24:17 On Cassian oversize+0057
001 Tr-3 1962/04/01 16:15 Feast of St. Robert (partial)
001 Tr-4 1962/05/04 28:35 Conversion of manners: goodness
002 Tr-1 1962/05/08 31:38 Conversion of manners: discretion
002 Tr-2 1962/05/09 31:10 Introduction to the Church Fathers
002 Tr-3 1962/05/12 30:19 Nuclear testing
002 Tr-4 1962/05/14 29:41 Conversion of manners: salvation, monastic laws
003 Tr-1 1962/05/13 32:41 The Prophets

003 Tr-2 1962/05/14 25:09 On Cassian: belief oversize+0057
003 Tr-3 1962/05/16 29:22 The Church fathers: early Christian spirituality
003 Tr-4 1962/05/17 30:30 Conversion of manners
004 Tr-1 1962/05/19 30:16 Cassian on prayer: ecumenism oversize+0057
004 Tr-2 1962/05/21 31:27 Conversion of manners: the spirit of the conversion of manners
004 Tr-3 1962/05/23? 30:12 Catechesis: the Didache
004 Tr-4 1962/05 30:54 Conversion of manners: the passions
005 Tr-1 1962/05/20 52:28 Prophets.Prophetic life, spiritual trifling.
005 Tr-2 1962/05/27 40:54 Prophets. Sin and judgement.
005 Tr-3 1962/05 49:29 Holy Ghost: Pentecost. Faith in the world today.
005 Tr-4 1962/06/29 30:00 Fathers: Sacred Heart: African Fathers. Classical Roman Literature.
006 Tr-1 1962/05/26 30:26 Cassian on prayer. Four Kinds of prayer. Meditation. oversize+0057
006 Tr-2 1962/05/28 09:53 Origin of vow of Chastity: marital chastity. Fragment of conference.
006 Tr-3 1962/05/30 20:58 Early Christian apologetics. Other literary forms in the early church.
006 Tr-4 1962/06/01 29:42 On chastity. Sublimation. St. Therese of Liseux.
007 Tr-1 1962/06/02 29:47 Cassian on prayer. Disposition to prayer. oversize+0057
007 Tr-2 1962/06/04 28:45 On chastity. Renunciation of human surrender.
007 Tr-3 1962/06/06 31:09 Second Century apologist (Tertullian)
007 Tr-4 1962/06/07 31:37 On chastity: Christian virginity
008 Tr-1 1962/06/08 31:22 Cassian on prayer. Four kinds of prayer. oversize+0057
008 Tr-2 1962/06/13? 32:24 Early church - apocrypha
008 Tr-3 1962/06 30:02 Cassian on the Our Father oversize+0057
008 Tr-4 1962/06/15 29:18 Vis cogitativa
009 Tr-1 1962/06/19 29:40 Virtues: temperance.
009 Tr-2 1962/06/20 31:24 Fr. Adam Schall. Carthage - the Punic Wars.
009 Tr-3 1962/06/24 30:20 Patrology: the Our Father. oversize+0057
009 Tr-4 1962/06 30:12 Virtue of temperance.
010 Tr-1 1962/07 32:56 Insert L.S.T. 4 Chastity. Temperance.
010 Tr-2 1962/07/02 31:45 Tertullian
010 Tr-3 1962/07/04 31:43 Chastity: Definition of St. Thomas
010 Tr-4 1962/07/06 30:27 Patrology. Ancient monastic rules
011 Tr-1 1962/07/11 19:29 Tertullian: the pater noster, spiritual nourishment
011 Tr-2 1962/07/09 32:01 Chastity, continued.
011 Tr-3 1962/07/11 31:20 Holy rule oversize+0056
011 Tr-4 1962/07/13 28:53 On chastity
012 Tr-1 1962/07 31:04 The Our Father continued: forgive us our trespasses oversize+0057
012 Tr-2 1962/07/18 31:14 On chastity
012 Tr-3 1962/07/20 31:12 On humility in the monastic life oversize+0056
012 Tr-4 1962/07 32:01 On cassian, the Our Father. Perfect prayer. Highest degree of prayer. oversize+0057
013 Tr-1 1962/07/26 31:05 Particular friendship.
013 Tr-3 1962/07 31:09 Holy rule, humility, conversion of manners, 4th degree oversize+0056
013 Tr-4 1962/07/28 30:35 Cassian on prayer. Does God hear? oversize+0057
014 Tr-1 1962/07/23 31:23 Particular friendships: their treatment
014 Tr-2 1962/07/25 31:56 On humility oversize+0056
014 Tr-3 1962/07 31:05 Our vows: their significance
014 Tr-4 1962/07 25:13 On prayer - Cassian oversize+0057
015 Tr-2 1962/08 29:46 Particular friendships: types of
015 Tr-3 1962/08/01 30:26 Chastity: A martyrdom
015 Tr-4 1962/08/11 31:23 The monastic fathers
016 Tr-1 1962/07/08 53:30 The veil of the Virgin - face of the virgin. Cyprian, Tertullian.
016 Tr-2 1962/07/15? 49:54 Patrology - "Lactantius"
016 Tr-3 1962/07/22 35:50 The origins of monastic rules, St. Basil, feast of St. Stephen
016 Tr-4 1962/07 53:36 Remarks on Cistercian Studies L.S.T. #8 Lactantius (cont.)
017 Tr-1 1962/07/29? 56:05 L.S.T. #3 Christian learning. Background of monastic living. Augustine. oversize+0098
018 Tr-4 1962/08/18? 31:08 Gnosis Alexandrian spirituality. Clement.
019 Tr-1 1962/08/20 31:12 The Fathers: St. Augustine oversize+0098
019 Tr-2 1962/08 21:29 Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary / Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 7, Benedictine Humility
019 Tr-3 1962/08/24 21:37 Temptations of thought oversize+0098
019 Tr-4 1962/08/25 31:02 Consolations of the choir novitiate. Early monasticism, Lerins. Origen.
020 Tr-1 1962/08/27 31:40 Chastity: mortification of the senses
020 Tr-2 1962/08/28 31:26 Benedictine humility oversize+0056
020 Tr-3 1962/08/29 31:35 Origen: his spiritual doctrine
021 Tr-1 1962/09 30:59 Our relation to God: The quality of our response
021 Tr-2 1962/09/07 31:05 The beginnings of Benedictine monasticism #1 oversize+0079
021 Tr-3 1962/09 29:42 The vow of chastity: the spirit of purity
021 Tr-4 1962/09/07 30:12 Holy rule: 1st degree of humility oversize+0056
022 Tr-1 1962/09 29:35 Beginnings of European monasticism oversize+0079
022 Tr-2 1962/09/15? 17:49 Patrology: St. Chrysostom
022 Tr-3 1962/09 31:10 Chastity: sacra virginitas
022 Tr-4 1962/09 32:10 The holy rule (cont'd): degrees of humility. Augustinian. oversize+0056
023 Tr-1 1962/08/19 46:55 St Augustine: de doctrina Christiana oversize+0098
023 Tr-2 1962/08/26? 55:55 Patrology: humanism and virginity. St. Ambrose oversize+0098
023 Tr-3 1962 62:03 Discussion with a group of Baptist ministers
023 Tr-4 1962 04:57 Discussion with a group of Baptist ministers, concluded
024 Tr-1 1962/09/09 54:18 L.S.T. philo-Greek philosopher
024 Tr-2 1962/09/16 57:32 Beginnings of European monasticism. Boethius, Cassiodorus
024 Tr-3 1962/09/23 56:02 Liberal arts in the middle ages. Origin of books. Cassiodorus.
024 Tr-4 1962/09/30 53:59 The liberal arts good or bad? Cassiodorus cf Bp Hurley. John XXIII
025 Tr-1 1962 26:44 Beginnings of European monasticism (cont'd) Dunstan. oversize+0079
025 Tr-2 1962/09/22? 32:08 Continuation of above: St. Chrysostom.
025 Tr-3 1962 32:41 Poverty. Problem areas. Poverty equals efficiency.
025 Tr-4 1962 30:52 Humility: the 4th degree. Psychological aspects of heroic humility. oversize+0056
026 Tr-1 1962/09/29 28:14 St. Chrysostom; 10th century patrology
026 Tr-2 1962/10/01 32:01 Our vow of poverty - private property. Separation of "church" and "priest."
026 Tr-3 1962/10 30:00 Humility - 4th degree.
026 Tr-4 1962/10 32:01 English monasticism - 10th century; ritual and customs. oversize+0079
027 Tr-1 1962/10/06 31:15 Remarks on coming changes. Patrologia: St. Ephrem.
027 Tr-2 1962 32:53 Poverty for the novice. Rules. Legal aspect.
027 Tr-3 1962 31:15 Holy rule: 5th degree of humility. Interior openness with superiors. oversize+0056
027 Tr-4 1962 31:09 Early European monasticism: Cluny 10th - 12th centuries. oversize+0079
028 Tr-1 1962/10/13? 32:03 Early eastern monasticism. Thodret. Syrian. Indian. Russian.
028 Tr-2 1962/10 31:43 Vow of poverty: ownership. oversize+0056
028 Tr-3 1962/10 30:28 Spiritual direction. Personal, particular perfection.
028 Tr-4 1962/10 31:19 Norman monasticism XI century. oversize+0079
029 Tr-1 1962/10/20 31:42 Syrian monasticism: Theodoret on spiritual life. Hilarion. Traditions.
029 Tr-2 1962/10 30:43 Vow of poverty. (Cont.)
029 Tr-3 1962/10 31:09 Poverty: community/personal in the sixth degree of humility. oversize+0056
029 Tr-4 1962/11 29:15 Early cistercian days, XI century, Molesme, Citeaux. oversize+0080
030 Tr-1 1962/10/27 23:02 Syrian monasticism, 5th and 6th century, Dionysius.
030 Tr-2 1962/10 31:21 Vow of poverty, technical details.
030 Tr-3 1962/11/03 30:56 Dionysius - St. John Climacus.
030 Tr-4 1962/10 21:06 Vow of poverty, ornamentation and beauty.
031 Tr-1 1962/11 30:25 Vow of poverty: proprietorship.
031 Tr-2 1962/11/07 29:52 Interpreting the holy rule. oversize+0056
031 Tr-3 1962/11 30:34 Early Cistercian history: Citeaux and St. Robert. Reasons for foundation. oversize+0080
031 Tr-4 1962/11/10 30:08 Meaning of "Trappist"; St. Climacus; De Rance and drama.
032 Tr-1 1962 30:40 Sixth degree of humility: Disrespect of others, real or imagined. oversize+0056
032 Tr-2 1962 32:26 St. Robert of Molesme; Citeaux. History reinterpreted in later writings. oversize+0080
032 Tr-3 1962/11/17? 32:41 Early monastic fathers; St. Jerome, a personal introduction.
032 Tr-4 1962 31:25 Vow of poverty, sins against.
033 Tr-1 1962 27:26 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; evaluation of feasts/traditions.
033 Tr-2 1962 32:03 Sanctity of St. Alberic; Molsmes vs. Citeaux; borthers. oversize+0080
033 Tr-3 1962/11/24? (12/01?) 31:22 St. Jerome; writings.
033 Tr-4 1962 29:10 Vow of poverty; interior and exterior characteristics.
034 Tr-1 1962 30:16 Humility, 7th degree; self-degradation. oversize+0056
034 Tr-2 1962 20:16 Vow of poverty; little exordium.
034 Tr-3 1962 31:00 Vow of poverty; distribution of goods.
034 Tr-4 1962 29:20 Early Cistercian history - two exordia. oversize+0080
035 Tr-1 1962/12 31:32 Vow of poverty; attachments. Sociological, psychological, patrological view.
035 Tr-2 1962/12/19 31:27 Degrees of humility; interior peace, laughter. View of Christmas decorating. oversize+0056
035 Tr-3 1962/12 26:35 Monastic spirituality at founding of Citeaux. oversize+0080
035 Tr-4 1962/12/22 31:31 Patrology; St. Gregory the Great; love of God and neighbor.
036 Tr-1 1962/10/14 56:53 Patrology; Cassiodorus.
036 Tr-2 1962 54:20 History of Cistercian order.
036 Tr-3 1962 54:46 Early Cistercian history; 12th century; active period.
036 Tr-4 1962 51:08 Cistercians in 12th century England.Problems all economic.
037 Tr-1 1962/12/15 31:45 Patrology continued; St. Jerome; prayer and solitude.
037 Tr-2 1962 32:09 Vow of poverty; community and individual views.
037 Tr-3 1962 31:50 Spirit of St. Stephen Harding, 12th century England. oversize+0080
037 Tr-4 1962 31:47 Four exterior degrees of humility. (8-12) oversize+0056
038 Tr-1 1963/01/07 30:35 The vows. Remarks on renewal problems.
038 Tr-2 1963/01/05 32:06 St. Bernard.
038 Tr-3 1963/01/07 32:12 Monastic spirituality.
038 Tr-4 1963/01 31:15 St. Bernard.
039 Tr-1 1963 55:38 Cistercian history; 12th and 13th centuries. Why and how of collapse.
039 Tr-2 1963 58:06 Early Cistercian history; the college of St. Bernard.Pro and Con.
039 Tr-3 1963 51:11 Early Cistercian saints. Inquisition attitudes.
039 Tr-4 1963 56:17 Early Cistercian history; Stephen of Lexington (saint or oddball?).
040 Tr-1 1962 49:18 Large view of early European Cistercians.
040 Tr-2 1962 57:29 Theology, medieval times and now. (Superstitions and other "realities").
040 Tr-3 1962 22:15 Sermon: Feast of Immaculate Conception. 1962. "The Light." oversize+0053
040 Tr-4 1962 56:22 Russian monks, monasticism and prayer. Christmas decorations.
041 Tr-1 1963/01/14 30:44 The vows; religious profession.
041 Tr-2 1963/01/16 29:48 Monastic spirituality; life as a journey. oversize+0054
041 Tr-3 1963/01/29 32:18 The vows; idea of community.
041 Tr-4 1963/01/30 31:09 Monastic spirituality; the way.
042 Tr-1 1963/01 54:09 Russian monks.
042 Tr-2 1963/01/01 54:58 Introduction of novice brothers to classes.
042 Tr-3 1963/01/13 55:09 Russian monks; the startzi. Leonid, Marcarius, Gogal, Ambrose.
043 Tr-1 1963/02/02 36:19 St. Bernard, Mariology. What it means to be loved by Mary.
043 Tr-2 1963/02/04 29:50 Vows. Community life; respect; unity of purpose.
043 Tr-3 1963/02/06 29:33 Monastic spirituality, it's meaning.
043 Tr-4 1963/02/09 30:58 St. Bernard; Cistercian theology of love.
044 Tr-1 1963/02/11 31:52 Vows; real meaning of vows.
044 Tr-2 1963/02/13 31:21 The spiritual combat; illusions of self.
044 Tr-3 1963/02/16 26:39 Bernard; three types of love. (Attraction, reconcilliation, fullfillment).
044 Tr-4 1963/02/18 20:30 Vows; positive view of vows.
045 Tr-1 1963/02/03 52:54 Background to St. Benedict's rule; early monasticism, St. Paulinus of Nola.
045 Tr-2 1963/02/17 55:15 Background of Rule: St. Martin of Tours and St. Anthony.
045 Tr-3 1963/02/24 40:57 Background of rule; Desert Fathers as sources.
045 Tr-4 1963/03/03 55:30 Desert Fathers. Showing Christ to the world.
046 Tr-1 1963/02/20 31:19 Monastic spirituality; true and false self in St. Paul.
046 Tr-2 1963/02/23 31:29 St. Bernard; man made in image of God; thirst for living water.
046 Tr-3 1963/02/23 30:24 Vows: the mutual obligations involved.
046 Tr-4 1963/03/02 30:52 St. Bernard: Guigo the Carthusian's meditations on truth as a weapon.
047 Tr-1 1963/03/04 31:47 Vows: different acts of will.
047 Tr-2 1963/03/06 32:08 Imitating God according to St. Thomas; likeness versus imitation. oversize+0081
047 Tr-3 1963/03/09 30:15 St. Bernard: Guigo the Carthusian and truth, happiness.
047 Tr-4 1963/03/11 32:11 Vows: certainty in regard to making vows.
048 Tr-1 1963/03/17 55:18 Rule: sharing joys and sorrows and being real with our brothers.
048 Tr-3 1963/03/24 51:26 Desert fathers; prayer according to John of Lycopolis; Egyptian Cenobium.
048 Tr-4 1963/04/07 52:27 Easter homily of Blessed Guerric.
049 Tr-1 1963/03/13 32:11 St. Thomas; goodness of all beings. oversize+0081
049 Tr-2 1963/03/16 32:15 Monastic spirituality; love overcoming evil.
049 Tr-4 1963/03/20 30:52 St. Thomas; thoughts on the justice of God. oversize+0081
050 Tr-1 1963/03/23 30:51 Guigo, the Carthusian: on love.
050 Tr-2 1963/03/27 33:37 St. Thomas; the goodness of God and forgiveness of others and penance. Refers to Adolf Eichmann trial and Arendt's work. oversize+0081
050 Tr-3 1963/03/30 32:07 Guigo on celebrating the sabbath; fear and desire versus love and freedom.
050 Tr-4 1963/04/01 31:11 Vows: effects of will, importance of consent; place of hope in life.
051 Tr-1 1963/04/03 32:09 St. Thomas: importance of every created thing in God's eye. oversize+0081
051 Tr-2 1963/04/06 30:44 Palm Sunday liturgy; Easter homily of Bl. Guerric of Igny.
051 Tr-3 1963/04/08 30:36 Explanation of Holy Thursday.
051 Tr-4 1963/04/10 32:04 Explanation of Good Friday. Section on mental illness.
052 Tr-1 1963/04/17 33:16 Vows; fidelity on the psychological and theological plane.
052 Tr-2 1963/04/20 31:55 St. Bernard; his letter to Guigo the Carthusian.
052 Tr-3 1963/04/22 30:27 Some background to reading the bible.
052 Tr-4 1963/04/24 32:18 Some points on Father Alphonse and comments on visitation and study.
053 Tr-2 1963/04/27 31:46 Purity and degrees of love according to Bernard and William of Thierry.
053 Tr-3 1963/04/29 32:36 Bible - the name of Yahweh.
053 Tr-4 1963/05/04 29:30 St. Bernard on perfect love.
054 Tr-1 1963/05/06 30:59 Bible - Yahwism in the Old Testament.
054 Tr-2 1963/05/08 32:06 Vows; poverty.
054 Tr-3 1963/05/11 31:32 St. Bernard: purity of heart.
054 Tr-4 1963/05/13 31:38 Yahwism - the desert ideal.
055 Tr-1-1 1963/04/21 53:25 Self assertion and Cassian - conference 14. (Christian philosophy).
055 Tr-1-2 1963/04/27 01:11 Self assertion and Cassian - conference 14. (Christian philosophy) continued.
055 Tr-2 1963/04/28 52:16 Cassian and monastic theology - active life and mobility of mind.
055 Tr-3 1963/05/12 55:16 Cassian 3 - renunciation which leads to contemplation.
055 Tr-4 1963/05/19 58:37 Cassian on prayer. oversize+0054
056 Tr-1 1963/05/15 31:07 Poverty according to the Cistercian ideal.
056 Tr-2 1963/05/18 29:58 St. Bernard: letter II on love being the law of God.
056 Tr-3 1963/05/24 30:53 Poverty according to the Cistercians - place of brothers in our life.
056 Tr-4 1963/05/25 29:45 St. Bernard's "De Diligendo Deo" - on the love of God.
057 Tr-1 1963/05/23 42:14 Cassian on the humanity of Christ in prayer.
057 Tr-2 1963/06/02 51:05 Pentecost and Holy Spirit. Prayer, the person of Christ. St. Pachomius.
057 Tr-3 1963/06/16 51:54 Bourges cathedral and its stained glass windows. St. Pachomius.
057 Tr-4 1963/06/23 51:19 St. Pachomius - danger of neglect in monastic life.
058 Tr-1 1963/05/29 23:05 Simplicity of early Cistercians. Poverty in life of prayer and common life.
058 Tr-2 1963/06/15 31:27 St. Bernard's "De Diligendo Deo" dignitas, sirentra and virtus.
058 Tr-3 1963/06/22 31:16 St. Bernard's "De Diligendo Deo" - reasons for loving God.
058 Tr-4 1963/06/24 33:18 St. Anselm and the ontological argument for God.
059 Tr-1 1963/06/26 30:57 Poverty in work.
059 Tr-2 1963/07/10 31:16 Poverty in clothes and food.
060 Tr-1 1963/07/06 31:32 Discussion of the Yogi.
060 Tr-2 1963/07/13 28:58 St. Bernard on the love of God. Signs.
060 Tr-3 1963/07/20 30:32 St. Bernard on the love of God - God's grace in man.
060 Tr-4 1963/07/24 30:50 Summing up of the essence of Christian life - some aspects of poverty.
061 Tr-1 1963/07/27 30:43 Grace.
061 Tr-2 1963/07/31 30:33 Poverty in regards to culture and exceptions in monastic life.
061 Tr-4 1963/08/03 30:10 Continuation of the discussion of St. John of the Cross.
062 Tr-1 1963/06/30 55:37 St.Pachomius - the monk and the world.
062 Tr-2 1963/07/14 55:18 St.Pachomius - the monk, the world and last judgement.
062 Tr-3 1963/07/21 57:46 St.Pachomius and cenobitism.
062 Tr-4 1963/07/28 55:57 World affairs. Explanation of a picture of Pope John. St.Pachomius.
064 Tr-2 1963/08/28 33:03 Vow of stability - perseverance.
064 Tr-3 1963/08/31 32:44 St. Bernard's degrees of love.
064 Tr-4 1963/09/04 30:54 Vow of stability.
065a Tr-2 1963/07/16 35:35 St. Anselm.
065a Tr-4 1963/08/26 33:21 St. Bernard.
065b Tr-3 1963/08/11 56:53 Discussion of some of Dom Adrien Nocent's points. Monasticism of Pachomius.
065b Tr-4 1963/08/15 50:03 Mary's message from the angel. Grace. Heaven according to St. Anselm.
066 Tr-1 1963/08/18 56:54 St. Pachomius and the Shenoute
066 Tr-4 1963/08/25 53:43 Natural experience of God - St. Basil.
067 Tr-1 1963/09/08 50:40 History of the examination of conscience and its use in monastic life.
067 Tr-4 1963/09/29 41:50 Angels, St. Basil and his rule.
073 Tr-1 1963/09/28 31:56 Rivalry between Citeaux and Cluny.
073 Tr-2 1963/10/05 31:19 Discussion of St. Bernard's letter to his nephew Robert.
073 Tr-3 1963/10/09 29:12 Discussion of morning Gospel - stability and love in community.
073 Tr-4 1963/10/12 31:13 Letter of St. Bernard to Robert. Peter the Venerable's letter of defence.
075 Tr-1 1963/10/13 54:55 Discussion: apostolate of the contemplative. Suenen's book Nun in the World
075 Tr-2 1963/10/20 53:29 Race situation. St. Basil, ascetical discourse.
075 Tr-3 1963/10/27 52:42 Beards. Refectory reading. Liturgy. Peace, chastity and prayer.
075 Tr-4 1963/11/03 54:47 Palladius of Galatia, Lausiac History, and the Syriac desert fathers. De Rance and Mabillon.
076 Tr-1 1963/11/17 53:57 Dom Gabriel. St. Jerome and a letter against vigilantius.
076 Tr-2 1963/11/24 52:14 Peter of Celles and monastic silence.
076 Tr-3 1963/12/01 57:38 St. Emilie Rodat of France. St. Jerome.
076 Tr-4 1963/12/08 53:08 St. Anselm's letter on stability. Selections from Mahalia Jackson.
077 Tr-1 1963/12/22 52:02 Communications schema of Vatican Council. St.Anselm's idea of stability. oversize+0061
077 Tr-2 1963/12/26 57:37 Part of a record on the Shakers. "The singing nun."
077 Tr-3 1963/12/29 57:30 St. Melanie of Jerusalem. New directory and its treatment of stability.
077 Tr-4 1964/01/01 49:26 Feast of the circumcision. The new directory how to determine God's will.
080 Tr-1 1963/10/16 31:14 Theology of the vow of stability. Some aspects of a foundation.
080 Tr-2 1963/10/19 32:10 Nuclear test ban. Peter the Venerable's reply concerning Benedictine life.
080 Tr-3 1963/10/23 32:49 Vow of stability.
080 Tr-4 1963/10/26 30:47 Points concerning feud between Cistercians and Benedictines of the 12th C.
083 Tr-1 1963/10/30 31:28 Dom De Rance and his conversion.
083 Tr-2 1963/11/06 31:15 Discussion of a chant week in a daughter house. Vow of stability.
083 Tr-3 1963/11/09 30:42 Current events - Vietnam. St. Berndard's apologia for Cistercians.
083 Tr-4 1963/11/21 27:55 Feast of the Presentation - oriental tenents.
086 Tr-1 1963/11/23 21:07 President's death. St. Bernard's apologia.
086 Tr-2 1963/11/27 30:44 Vow of stability. Cases of sickness or greater spiritual good.
086 Tr-3 1963/12/07 31:18 Vow of stability.
086 Tr-4 1963/12/04 30:52 Silence and making signs. The interior word behind speech.
089 Tr-1 1963/12/11 31:32 Some points on silence. Advent thoughts. Sins against stability.
089 Tr-2 1963/12/14 31:02 Religious Silence. oversize+0054
089 Tr-3 1963/12/16 31:03 Liturgical schema of the Vatican council. oversize+0061
089 Tr-4 1963/12/18 31:17 Continuation of the liturgy schema explanation. oversize+0061
090 Tr-1 1963/12/20 31:43 Liturgical constitution of the Vatican council. oversize+0061
090 Tr-2 1963/12/28 36:09 Some points about the new directory. Xenitera.
090 Tr-3 1964/01/04 29:57 St. Bernard's epiphany sermon - wedding at Cana.
090 Tr-4 1964/01/06 33:24 Karl Jaspers and ideas on God's existence. Aetheria's Pilgrimage. oversize+0094
092 Tr-1 1964/01/08 29:34 Discussion of general chapter and abbot general's election.
092 Tr-2 1964/01/11 30:53 Background to St. Bernard's "de conversione" to Paris Students.
092 Tr-3 1964/01/15 31:31 Conference on abbot general's election.
092 Tr-4 1964/01/18 30:49 Abelard and Heloise
094 Tr-1 1964/01/28 31:35 Prayer and meditation on the meaning of life. oversize+0054
094 Tr-2 1964/02/01 30:10 World events. Abelard and the problem of meaning.
094 Tr-4 1964/02/05 29:42 Vow of obedience and the change of habit.
096 Tr-1 1964/02/08 31:02 Abelard and the question of freedom.
096 Tr-2 1964/02/15 29:42 Morality of human acts.
096 Tr-3 1964/02/19 30:11 Life of the early cistercian brothers.
096 Tr-4 1964/02/22 31:01 Lenten fast. Abelard's theology.
098 Tr-1 1964/02/26 31:16 Vow of obedience. Lee Oswald.
098 Tr-2 1964/02/29 31:29 Abelard and his lack of spiritual insight. William of St.Thierry.
098 Tr-3 1964/03/04 29:44 Some propositions on obedience.
098 Tr-4 1964/03/07 30:56 Some English recluses. Abelard.
099 Tr-1 1964/01/05 50:50 Unity in the community and love of the brethren.
099 Tr-2 1964/01/12 55:11 Bultmann: his essays on Christianity and humanism. Aetheria's pilgrimage. oversize+0094
099 Tr-3 1964/01/19 40:05 Silence and its importance for the retreat.

099 Tr-4 1964/02/02 53:26 Aetheria's pilgrimage. oversize+0094
100 Tr-1 1964/02/16 55:49 Abbot Ammonas and the grief in a monk's life
100 Tr-2 1964/02/23 55:27 Dreams. Doctrine of Abbot Ammonas continued
100 Tr-4 1964/03/15 53:53 Real meaning of holy week liturgy. Abbot Ammonas.
101 Tr-1 1964/03/22 52:19 Place of a spiritual father in the life of a monk. Preparation for death.
101 Tr-2 1964/03/29 53:46 Thoughts on Eastern monastic history of the tenth century.
101 Tr-3 1964/04/05 52:44 Revision of life and its place in monasticism.Revision of life.
101 Tr-4 1964/04/19 27:03 Revision of life.
102 Tr-1 1964/04/26 29:38 Role of memory in the early Cistercians and St. Augustine.
102 Tr-2 1964/05/10 33:08 Thoughts in a monk's life.
102 Tr-3 1964/05/17 30:27 Origins of Celtic monasticism.
102 Tr-4 1964/05/24 30:01 Gregory of Nyssa and the origin of our thoughts.
105 Tr-1 1964/05/20 30:56 Vow of obedience.
105 Tr-2 1964/05/23 31:28 St. Bernard and De Conversione.
105 Tr-3 1964/05/30 29:20 St. Bernard's De Conversione.
105 Tr-4 1964/06/03 29:19 Vow of obedience.
106 Tr-1 1964/05/31 31:21 Some aspects of the cenobitic life.
106 Tr-2 1964/06/14 34:51 Distractions in prayer and the desert fathers' remedy. Irish monasticism. oversize+0077
106 Tr-3 1964/06/21 33:44 Syrian monasticism. oversize+0093
106 Tr-4 1964/06/28 27:55 Syrian monasticism. oversize+0093
110 Tr-1 1964/03/11 28:26 Library change. Gospel of the man born blind. Religious obedience.
110 Tr-2 1964/03/14 31:45 Morning mass text - Saturday before passion Sunday.Abelard and Bernard.
110 Tr-3 1964/03/18 31:20 Commentary on Dom Eusebius' talk. Reasons for vow of obedience.
110 Tr-4 1964/03/25 31:37 Vow of obedience likened to Christ's obedience in his passion.
114 Tr-1 1964/05/07 30:22 St. Aelred and the memory of God.
114 Tr-2 1964/05/09 31:52 Abelard and the offices of the monastery.
114 Tr-3 1964/05/13 31:46 Vow of obedience.
114 Tr-4 1964/05/16 25:37 St. Bernard's "De Conversione".
115 Tr-1 1964/04/15 29:21 Religious obedience as freedom.
115 Tr-2 1964/04/18 31:39 Monastic doctrine of Abelard.Vow of obedience.
115 Tr-3 1964/04/22 31:15 Vow of obedience.
115 Tr-4 1964/05/02 30:56 Doctrine of Abelard.
116 Tr-1 1964/04/01 27:10 Vow of obedience - obedience not of a slave or child.
116 Tr-2 1964/04/04 31:18 Announcements, visitations. Abelard.
116 Tr-4 1964/04/11 30:47 Abelard and obedience.
118 Tr-1 1964/06/10 29:39 Some points from the Birmingham non-violence movement.
118 Tr-2 1964/06/13 30:53 St. Bernard and the purification of the memory.
118 Tr-3 1964/06/20 30:36 St. Bernard's life according to William of St. Thiery.
118 Tr-4 1964/06/27 31:20 St. Bernard's conversion to the monastic life.
119 Tr-1 1964/07/01 32:22 Vow of obedience.
119 Tr-2 1964/07/04 31:24 Early monastic signs of Cluny.
119 Tr-3 1964/07/08 30:50 Vow of obedience.
119 Tr-4 1964/07/11 31:39 Early monastic rites for monks in danger of death.
120 Tr-1 1964/07/12 34:25 Syrian monks. oversize+0093
120 Tr-2 1964/07/15 32:03 Sins against the vow of obedience.
120 Tr-3 1964/07/18 32:03 Modern ascetism as contrasted with that in St. Bernard's time.
120 Tr-4 1964/07/19 33:48 Syrian monastic traditions. oversize+0093
121 Tr-1 1964/07/22 24:38 Work. (Shaker precepts.)
121 Tr-2 1964/07/26 31:09 Julian Sabbas, Syrian monk and liturgical prayer. Discovery of America. oversize+0093
121 Tr-3 1964/07/29 32:00 Vow of obedience.
121 Tr-4 1964/08/01 31:26 Religious obedience.
122 Tr-1 1964/08/05 32:17 Some problems of obedience.
122 Tr-2 1964/08/08 30:44 St. Bernard's letters.
122 Tr-3 1964/08/09 33:56 Syrian monks. oversize+0093
122 Tr-4 1964/08/12 32:21 Beauty and art 0200
123 Tr-1 1964/08/16 33:01 Aphraates and Syrian spirituality. oversize+0093
123 Tr-2 1964/08/19 19:18 Vow of conversion of manners.
123 Tr-3 1964/08/22 31:16 Art and beauty. 0200
123 Tr-4 1964/08/23 34:19 Ancient monastic text of prayer and ascetic life. oversize+0093
124 Tr-1 1964/08/26 28:47 Vow of conversion of manners.
124 Tr-2 1964/09/05 28:46 Early Celtic art. Machine age and monastic culture.
124 Tr-3 1964/08/30 32:58 Aphraates and monasticism.
124 Tr-4 1964/09/02 28:15 Vow of conversion of manners.
125 Tr-1 1964/09/12 28:31 Early Irish monastic art.
125 Tr-2 1964/09/13 32:55 Reform of Benedict of Aniane.
125 Tr-3 1964/09/16 29:10 Vow of conversion of manners.
125 Tr-4 1964/09/19 30:35 Irish art.
126 Tr-1 1964/09/20 29:54 St. Ephrem.
126 Tr-3 1964/09/27 18:23 Applying effort in monastic life the right way.
126 Tr-4 1964/10/11 34:02 Comments on the abbots conference and St. Ephrem's poems.
128 Tr-1 1964/10/14 30:19 Vow of conversion of manners.
128 Tr-2 1964/10/17 30:31 Origin of the book, history of the written manuscript and the printing press

128 Tr-3 1964/10/18 29:11 St. Ephrem.
128 Tr-4 1964/10/21 30:54 Penance and fasting.
129 Tr-1 1964/10/25 35:19 St. Ephrem and prayer.
129 Tr-2 1964/10/28 30:09 Vow of conversion of manners.
129 Tr-3 1964/10/31 29:41 Poetry. oversize+0071
129 Tr-4 1964/11/01 28:33 Early eastern monastic spirituality.
131 Tr-1 1964/11/07 31:08 Lyric Poetry oversize+0071
131 Tr-2 1964/11/11 30:12 Conversion of manners and what makes a monk.
131 Tr-4 1964/11/15 30:45 Religious virginity.
132 Tr-1 1964/11/22 35:09 Maturity in religious life
132 Tr-2 1964/11/25 33:07 Vow of conversion of manners - conversio and conversation.
132 Tr-3 1964/11/28 30:54 Poetry. (Peguey's Poem of Pilgrimage to Chartres) oversize+0071
132 Tr-4 1964/11/29 32:37 Crumbs from St. Ephrem.
134 Tr-1 1964/11/30 30:48 Advent sermons of Bl. Guerric.
134 Tr-2 1964/12/02 29:45 Conversion of manners.
134 Tr-3 1964/12/05 30:15 Analysis of a poem. John Donne - "Nocturnal on St. Lucy's Day."
134 Tr-4 1964/12/07 31:03 Advent sermons of Bl. Guerric. oversize+0071
135 Tr-1 1964/12/09 31:17 Conversion of manners - what it means to renounce the world.
135 Tr-2 1964/12/12 30:59 Poetry - John Donne. oversize+0071
135 Tr-3 1964/12/13 34:43 Mississippi racial problems. St. Ephrem.
135 Tr-4 1964/12/14 32:33 Advent sermons of Blessed Guerric.
136 Tr-1 1964/12/20 36:15 St. Ephrem.
136 Tr-2 1964/12/27 21:14 Water conservation. Poetry. Hindu divine.
136 Tr-3 1965/01/03 33:53 St. Ephrem's View of Paradise
136 Tr-4 1965/01/07 30:26 Poetry. 16th century love poem - "Go, lovely rose." Edmund Waller. oversize+0071
137 Tr-1 1965/01/14 30:36 Poetry. Theodore Roethke. Continuation of "Go, lovely rose." Dante Gabriel Rossetti - "Sudden Light." oversize+0071
137 Tr-2 1965/01/17 32:24 Council's schema on religious. oversize+0061
137 Tr-3 1965/01/29 30:54 Poetry. Songs. William Blake. Emily Dickinson. oversize+0071
137 Tr-4 1965/01/31 34:33 Religious schema. oversize+0061
138 Tr-1 1965/02/04 31:38 Poetry. (Auden and Blake.) oversize+0071
138 Tr-2 1965/02/07 36:49 Religious renovation following the religious schema. oversize+0061
138 Tr-3 1965/02/11 29:20 Poetry. (W. H. Auden and Blake.) oversize+0071
138 Tr-4 1965/02/14 35:02 St. Ephrem.
139 Tr-1 1965/02/18 29:54 Revelation as dialogue. Poetry - Blake. oversize+0071
139 Tr-2 1965/02/21 34:05 Desert hospitality.
139 Tr-3 1965/02/25 30:34 Poems of Blake.
139 Tr-4 1965/03/04 30:28 Simone Weil. oversize+0071
141 Tr-1 1965/03/07 37:13 Benedictine schema on religious life. St. Ephrem on virginity and marriage.
141 Tr-2 1965/03/11 29:54 Symbolism in poetry. oversize+0071
141 Tr-3 1965/03/14 36:21 Monastic tradition.
141 Tr-4 1965/03/18 30:45 Liturgy. Blake's poetry. oversize+0071
142 Tr-1 1965/03/21 35:07 Philoxenus and degrees of Christian life. oversize+0053
142 Tr-2 1965/03/28 32:56 Ruysbroeck.
142 Tr-3 1965/04/08 28:22 Prose and poetry on the passion. oversize+0071
142 Tr-4 1965/04/11 34:51 Angela of Foligno. (Philoxenus.)
144 Tr-1 1965/04/22 30:51 T.S. Eliot.
144 Tr-2 1965/04/25 34:15 What is a church? (Architecture) Philoxenus.
144 Tr-3 1965/05/03 30:54 Vow of conversion of manners.
144 Tr-4 1965/05/06 29:32 T.S. Eliot. (Eliot the man.)
145 Tr-1 1965/05/09 35:00 Concept of vocation in Philoxenus.
145 Tr-2 1965/05/10 26:01 Conversion of manners.
145 Tr-3 1965/05/14 29:48 T.S. Eliot.
145 Tr-4 1965/05/17 35:57 Architecture - Philoxenus and simplicity.
147 Tr-1 1965/05/17 32:50 Conversion of manners.
147 Tr-2 1965/05/20 30:41 Gerard Manley Hopkins. oversize+0071
147 Tr-4 1965/05/27 31:31 Philoxenus and simplicity.
148 Tr-1 1965/05/31 31:56 Conversion of manners.
148 Tr-2 1965/06/03 31:04 Greek tragedy. oversize+0066
148 Tr-3 1965/06/07 30:33 Philoxenus.
148 Tr-4 1965/06/10 31:14 Chinese thought. oversize+0066
149 Tr-1 1965/06/20 37:13 Time. Philoxenus.
149 Tr-2 1965/06/21 22:24 Chastity.
149 Tr-3 1965/06/27 36:13 African monasticism. Philoxenus and vocation.
149 Tr-4 1965/06/28 30:17 Chastity.
150 Tr-1 1965/07/01 31:35 Chinese symbol of Chung.

150 Tr-2 1965/07/05 30:11 Vow of chastity.
150 Tr-3 1965/07/08 30:53 Chinese landscape painting.
150 Tr-4 1965/07/11 35:50 Bantu philosophy.
151 Tr-1 1965/07/12 15:35 Chastity - real and particular friendships.
151 Tr-2 1965/07/15 31:51 Chinese philosophy and Greek tragedy.
151 Tr-3 1965/07/18 34:29 Philoxenus and Lot's wife.
151 Tr-4 1965/07/19 32:36 Friendship in the monastery - particular friendships.
152 Tr-1 1965/07/23 31:30 Greek Tragedy.
152 Tr-2 1965/07/25 30:57 Philoxenus. Advice to novices. Lot's wife.
152 Tr-3 1965/07/26 32:09 Friendship.
152 Tr-4 1965/07/29 33:14 Greek tragedy.
153 Tr-1 1965/08/08 35:16 Philoxenus on chastity.
153 Tr-2 1965/08/09 29:32 Vow of chastity.
153 Tr-3 1965/08/12 30:06 Greek tragedy.
153 Tr-4 1965/08/15 29:32 Philoxenus: the monk, church and the world.
154 Tr-1 1965/08/16 30:36 Vow of chastity.
154 Tr-2 1965/08/19 29:45 Greek tragedy.

154 Tr-3 1965/08/20 31:56 Solitary life - life without care. (Departing address.) Listen to an excerpt. oversize+0077
155 Tr-1 1965/10/24 32:26 Prayer of Jesus.
155 Tr-2 1965/09/12 33:24 Irenaeus, redemption and resurrection. The essence of Christian theology.
156 Tr-1 1965/09/19 35:52 God's love, dynamic in our lives.

156 Tr-2 1965/11/17 35:09 Isaac of Stella on hesychastic prayer.

156 Tr-3 1965/09/26 34:56 Idealization, an obstacle to God. Love in concrete.
156 Tr-4 1965/11/10 35:42 Celebration, an aspect of the church in the world.

158 Tr-1 1965/10/31 24:28 All saints - sanctity.

158 Tr-2 1965/11/14 29:04 Rilke - poetry and imagination. oversize+0069
158 Tr-3 1965/11/21 34:48 Rilke's spiritual influence. "The Panther", "The Unicorn". oversize+0069
158 Tr-4 1965/11/14 35:12 Rilke - "Inseeing". oversize+0069
159 Tr-1 1965/12/12 33:02 Asceticism and gluttony. oversize+0069
159 Tr-2 1965/12/19 35:38 Freedom and spontaneity. oversize+0069
159 Tr-3 1965/12/26 33:11 Freedom in Epictetus. Rilke - "The Donators". oversize+0069
159 Tr-4 1966/01/02 29:46 Freedom in Sartre vs Christian freedom in Marcel. oversize+0069
160 Tr-1 1966/02/27 34:31 Rilke. Duino Elegies. oversize+0069
160 Tr-2 1966/02/20 29:18 Rilke. Duino Elegies. oversize+0069
160 Tr-3 1966/02/13 33:51 German poets after world war II and hagiography.

160 Tr-4 1966/01/30 35:08 Eleventh century hermits.

161 Tr-1 1966/06/19 35:24 Over population.

161 Tr-2 1966/03/20 33:35 Rilke: The simple things of life. oversize+0069
161 Tr-3 1966/06/05 34:40 Dom Vital. Technological society.

161 Tr-4 1966/06/26 34:53 Computers - Marxism. The "no-dialogue" kind.
162 Tr-1 1966/02/06 31:48 Rilke and his search for God. oversize+0069
162 Tr-2 1966/07/03 35:18 Dialogue with Marxism.
162 Tr-3 1966/07/17 35:52 Marxism and the monk - church decrees on Marxism.
162 Tr-4 1966/07/24 34:50 Hromadka: a Christian theologian under communism.
163 Tr-1 1966/07/31 36:39 Hromadka, God is dead theology. Forms of dialectical thought.
163 Tr-2 1966/08/04 33:45 Hegel's criticism of interiority.
163 Tr-3 1966/08/21 35:27 Christianity and communism.
163 Tr-4 1966/09/04 34:50 God is dead theology - theology in its last gasp. Marxism and its aim toward action and revolution.
164 Tr-1 1966/05/01 48:01 Love for the world.

164 Tr-2 1966/05/22 35:38 Mass communication.
164 Tr-3 1966/05/29 35:58 Description of a Buddhist monk visiting from Vietnam.

164 Tr-4 1966/05/15 33:07 The Christian in the world.

165 Tr-1 1966/09/18 36:00 Christian hope and relatedness.

165 Tr-2 1966/09/25 38:40 Rundown on Christian-Marxist relations. Basic Marxist concepts.

165 Tr-3 1966/10/02 35:44 Edmund Muir: metaphysical intuition in poetry. oversize+0099
165 Tr-4 1966/10/16 38:59 Father Stephen. Muir: Mythical imagination. oversize+0099
166 Tr-1 1966/10/23 37:21 Anti-poetry - some by Fr. Louis ("Hopeless and Felons" and #20a, 32, 42, 48, 70, and 82 from Cables to the Ace). [The Present State of Poetry.] Bob Dylan and The Beatles. oversize+0074
166 Tr-2 1966/10/30 36:59 Discussion on a visiting Sufi. Classicism. Albert Camus - rebel as classicist. John Milton.
166 Tr-3 1966/11/13 36:02 Classicism. [A Classical Consciousness.] oversize+0074
166 Tr-4 1966/11/20 35:47 Eliot's definition of the classical. [Eliot on Milton: What Is a Classic?] oversize+0074
167 Tr-1 1967/01/27 37:07 Cosmic order is a dance. Romanticism and classicism contrasted. [The Classical Outlook.] oversize+0074
167 Tr-2 1967/01/15 36:18 Faulkner: Classical values in Faulkner. oversize+0074
167 Tr-3a 1967/01/01 35:17 The Bear: A pattern of development in hunting and in the spiritual life. [Faulkner's "The Bear": Spiritual Formation and Mystical Union.] oversize+0074
167 Tr-3b 1967/01/01 01:18 End of a previously recorded conference [Faulkner's "The Bear": Spiritual Formation and Mystical Union continued.] oversize+0074
167 Tr-4 1967/01/22 38:04 The Wild Palms: Theme of the deluge. [The Wild Palms: Man Against Destiny.] oversize+0074
168 Tr-1 1967/01/29 36:49 Readings: Faulkner. "The Deluge" and "The Wild Palms." [The Wild Palms: Theological Reflections.] oversize+0074
168 Tr-2 1967/03/05 36:52 Is monasticism Christian? - A lay theologian's attack. Time in "The Sound and the Fury." [The Sound and the Fury: The Sense of Time.] oversize+0074
168 Tr-3 1967/03/19 32:36 Resurrection service in "The Sound and the Fury." [The Sound and the Fury: Resurrection.] oversize+0074
168 Tr-4 1967/03/27 41:02 Community life.
169 Tr-1 1967/05/14 36:07 Sufism: God in creation. oversize+0055
169 Tr-2 1967/04/23 35:56 Sufism: Introduction. Various branches of Islam and Muslim society. oversize+0078
169 Tr-3 1967/04/16 36:39 Community life. LSD and youth culture. Marshall McLuhan.
169 Tr-4 1967/04/30 35:46 Sufism: Knowledge of God. oversize+0055
170 Tr-1 1967/05/21 35:24 The Straight way - Sufism. oversize+0055
170 Tr-2 1967/07/16 37:34 Repentance and conversion throughout the spiritual life. oversize+0078
170 Tr-3 1967/06/18 34:23 Sufi principles for a time of change. oversize+0078
170 Tr-4 1967/07/02 33:50 Satisfaction, the end of the ascetical life. oversize+0078
171 Tr-1 1967/09/10 36:08 Private cells: finding a place in spiritual life. oversize+0078
171 Tr-2 1967/09/17 37:15 Theology of dialogue. Sufi: poverty. oversize+0078
171 Tr-3 1967/10/08 34:23 Sufi: patience. oversize+0055
171 Tr-4 1967/10/15 35:31 Sufi - sense of loss in one's way, in one's identity. oversize+0055
172 Tr-1 1967/10/29 36:00 Jewish Hasidism - mysticism, existentialism. (Tension.)
172 Tr-2 1967/11/12 36:30 Sufism - mystical life. oversize+0055
172 Tr-3 1967/11/19 35:46 Sufism - mystic life, also Christian mysticism. Things interfering with prayer. Awareness. oversize+0055
172 Tr-4 1967/12/03 37:02 Sufism - love of God. oversize+0055
173 Tr-1 1967/12/17 35:53 Abbatial election. Sufism - heart. oversize+0055
173 Tr-2 1968/01/01 34:19 Sufism - heart. Love speaks in creatures. oversize+0055
173 Tr-3 1968/01/07 34:26 Abbot. Pasternak's letters.
173 Tr-4 1968/01/14 36:25 Reflections on Dom Flavians election.
174 Tr-1 1968/01/28 35:31 Hermits: Breaking the heart. N.C.R.

174 Tr-2 1968/02/04 35:52 Serious life of prayer. Sufi psychoanalysis. oversize+0055
174 Tr-3 1968/01/11 36:29 Mystic self annihilation. 0201
174 Tr-4 1968/02/18 35:39 Growing up in society (beyond the social world). Tree of life. Loss of self. 0201
175 Tr-1 1968/02/25 36:26 Mystic life.

175 Tr-2 1968/03/10 35:51 Irish monks. Points on the mystic life in the Far East, Nirvana.

175 Tr-3 1968/03/24 29:28 Irish monks on mystic life.

175 Tr-4 1968/04/07 35:58 Death of Martin Luther King. The mystic life in Cleveland, Ohio. Zen. Spiritual points for Easter time. The monastic vision as seen in Hebrews 1-5.

175a Tr-1 1967/06/03 05:01 Poems for hospital.
175a Tr-2 1967/06/03 38:47 Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche.

175a Tr-3 1967/06/04 19:20 Need of modern man to be "turned on". LSD.

175b Tr-1 1967/06/04 00:51 Continues from Merton archive tape 175a.
176 Tr-1 1968/04/15 35:50 Sufism: Awareness of love in an awake heart. (Remarks on Martin Luther King funeral.) oversize+0055
176 Tr-2 1968/06/09 35:51 Prayer - our free time and what we do with it.

176 Tr-4 1968/06/16 36:27 Contemplation and the modern man. [Christlikeness. Sufism: proper attitude toward life.] oversize+0055
177 Tr-1 1968/03/03 39:52 Introduction: return to the source: St. Jerome.

177 Tr-2 1968/03/24 37:43 Cassian.
177 Tr-3 1968/05/05 34:42 Conversion of manners and early monks.
177 Tr-4 1968/07/07 37:23 Redwoods. Cassian: renunciation of our own desires and own will.

178 Tr-1 1968/06/23 36:12 Prayer and spiritual direction.
178 Tr-2 1968/06/30 14:08 Spiritual direction: growth and development.
178 Tr-3 1968/07/21 34:23 Literature and theology. James Joyce. oversize+0070
178 Tr-4 1968/07/14 35:40 Gurus and Jesus.

179 Tr-1 1968/08/04 35:50 Pentecostalism. Cassian. (Why come to the monastery.) Purity of heart
180 Tr-1 1968/07/28 37:01 Joyce - Dubliners. oversize+0070
180 Tr-2 1968 33:21 Joyce - Introduction - Aesthetics. oversize+0070
180 Tr-3 1968 36:08 Joyce - Dubliners. Three possible directions for future monasticism. oversize+0070
181 Tr-1a 1967/12/00 43:22 Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-1b 1967/12/00 53:06 Gethsemani meetings: silence - peace movements. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-2a 1967/12/00 64:43 Gethsemani meetings: peace movements continued. Community life and renewal, hermits. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-3a 1967/12/00 23:50 Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-3b 1967/12/00 73:29 Gethsemani meetings: Contemplative life and the resurrection. Non violence. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-4a 1967/12/00 42:37 Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
181 Tr-4b 1967/12/00 55:19 Gethsemani meetings: Prophetic life. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-1a 1967/12/00 31:12 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-1b 1967/12/00 66:15 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-2a 1967/12/00 56:52 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-2b 1967/12/00 40:22 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-3a 1967/12/00 38:35 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-3b-1 1967/12/00 44:26 Gethsemani meetings: Renewal and contemporary issues. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-3b-2 1967/12/00 15:13 Merton's reflections on the meetings. oversize+0060
182 Tr-4a 1967/12/00 49:31 Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0060
182 Tr-4b 1967/12/00 45:46 Gethsemani meetings: Thoughts and reflections. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0060
183 Tr-1 1968 41:01 Message to Loretto nuns on life of prayer centered on God - Balance and grace oversize+0065
183 Tr-2 1968 32:09 Continuation from #1 and imagination in the life of prayer - Religious Virginity and Communal Love - The Institutionalized Church oversize+0065
183 Tr-3 1968 40:02 Thoughts on the contemplative life.
183 Tr-4 1968 23:20 Continuation of #1: thoughts on the contemplative life.
185 Tr-1a 1967/09/13 49:24 Contemplative life today. Part 1 of 2.
185 Tr-1b 1967/09/13 41:31 Contemplative life today. Part 2 of 2.
185 Tr-2-1 1967/09/15 47:42 Contemplative life today.
185 Tr-2-2 1967/09/16 18:12 Continuation of #1: Contemplative life today.
185 Tr-3a 1967/09/25 64:15 Contemplative life today. Part 1 of 2. Monasticism and Contemplation. oversize+0065
185 Tr-3b 1967/09/26 27:43 Contemplative life today. Part 2 of 2.
185 Tr-4 1967/09/26 63:37 Contemplative life today. The Contemplative Life So-Called. oversize+0065
186 Tr-1 1967/11/11 62:43 Cargo movements. (cults)
186 Tr-2 1967/11/11 62:42 Cargo movements. (cults)

186 Tr-3 1967/11 59:19 Cargo movements. (cults)
186 Tr-4a 1967/11 40:58 Message of contemplatives to modern men. "Man to man." Part 1 of 2. oversize+0067

186 Tr-4b 1967/11 55:52 Message of contemplatives to modern men. "Man to man." Part 2 of 2. oversize+0067
187 Tr-1a-1 1967/09 31:38 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued. oversize+0068
187 Tr-1a-2 1967/09 42:06 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued from the library. oversize+0068
187 Tr-1b 1967/09 19:25 Contemplative life today. Poverty continued from the library. oversize+0068
187 Tr-2a-1 1967/09 16:50 Poverty. oversize+0068
187 Tr-2a-2 1967/09 33:55 Poverty. Eschatological movement. oversize+0068
187 Tr-2a-3 1967/09 21:48 Easter homily. oversize+0053
187 Tr-2b 1967/09 20:28 Poverty. Eschatological movement. Cloistered living. oversize+0068
187 Tr-3 1967/09 13:16 Monastic education. Prayers - letters. oversize+0068
187 Tr-4 1967/09 31:54 Continuation of renewal and prayer. oversize+0068
188 Tr-1-1 1967 32:32 Renewal. Camus - realist humanism.
188 Tr-1-2 1967 19:22 Poetry.

188 Tr-2 1967 63:32 Dedication in the religious life.
188 Tr-3a 1967/10/15 78:07 Reading from Geography of Lograire: The Ranters and Their Pleads (London); Fragments from South (Mexico) [8 min mark]; Fragments from East (South Seas), Cargo Cults [17]; Prologue to Boom! [52]; new poems [57]; Cables to the Ace Prologue-#22 [65 min-].
188 Tr-3band4 1967/10/15 22:35 Reading from Reading from Cables to the Ace continued: #30, 32, 35-69 (French), 74, 85.
189 Tr-1and3a 1964/10/04 68:08 Abbot meeting.
189 Tr-1and3b 1964/10/04 26:42 Abbot meeting (morning) continued.
189 Tr-2and4a 1964/10/04 65:07 Abbot meeting (afternoon).
189 Tr-2and4b 1964/10/04 66:59 Abbot meeting (afternoon) continued.
189 Tr-2and4c 1964/10/04 62:59 Abbot meeting (afternoon) continued.
190 Tr-1 1968/10/03 03:28 Introductory remarks by W. H. Ferry (see Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia).
190 Tr-2 1968/10/03 40:05 Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia.

190 Tr-3 1968/10/03 48:07 Monastic renewal. Introduction by W. H. Ferry, followed by Merton's talk and discussion. Unedited version of #190 tracks 1 and 2.

190 Tr-4 1968/10/03 25:42 Thomas Merton speaks of his upcoming trip to Asia. (Continued from track #1: 190-Tr-2.)

191 Tr-1and3-01 1967/09/22 01:11 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-02 1967/09/22 02:34 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-03 1967/09/22 00:59 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-04 1967/09/22 01:46 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-05 1967/09/22 02:31 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-06 1967/09/22 02:38 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-07 1967/09/22 02:48 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-08 1967/09/22 04:52 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-09 1967/09/22 02:41 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-10 1967/09/22 04:25 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-11 1967/09/22 02:03 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-12 1967/09/22 00:59 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-13 1967/09/22 01:39 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-14 1967/09/22 04:09 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-15 1967/09/22 01:58 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-16 1967/09/22 01:43 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-17 1967/09/22 01:27 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-18 1967/09/22 02:17 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-19 1967/09/22 01:43 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-20 1967/09/22 02:00 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-21 1967/09/22 02:06 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-22 1967/09/22 02:46 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-23 1967/09/22 00:25 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-24 1967/09/22 00:28 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-25 1967/09/22 00:22 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-1and3-26 1967/09/22 00:33 Merton sings Gregorian chant.

191 Tr-2 1967/09/22 35:54 Readings on monastic life.
191 Tr-4 1967/09/22 10:55 Poem in cargo movement.
192 Tr-1 1967/08/20 16:27 Readings from The Geography of Lograire: "Notes for a New Liturgy" and selections from "Queens Tunnel" (draft of Part I, 1-30).
192 Tr-2 1967/08/20 05:56 Readings from The Geography of Lograire continued: Selections from "Queens Tunnel" (draft of Part I, 31-50).
193and195 Tr-1 1968/11/25 37:49 Theology of prayer.

193and195 Tr-2 1968/11/25 48:26 Theology of prayer.
193and195 Tr-3 1968/11/25 14:25 Continuation of theology of prayer.
194 Tr-1 1968/10/23 08:24 Extemporaneous remarks speaking of monks at the first spiritual summit conference in Calcutta.
194 Tr-2 1968/10/26 02:33 Closing prayer at the first spiritual summit conference in Calcutta.
200 Tr-1-1 1968/09 17:49 Part 3 of Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery.
200 Tr-1-2 1968/09 29:22 Dialog on prayer.
200 Tr-1-3 1968/09 13:04 Building community.
200 Tr-2-1 1968/09 29:48 Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery continued.
200 Tr-2-2 1968/09 33:40 Monastic community.
201 Tr-1 1968/09 63:34 Workshop at Precious Blood Monastery, part 3.
201 Tr-2-1 1968/09 04:30 Conclusion of workshop at Precious Blood Monastery, part 3, part 2 of 2.
201 Tr-2-2 1968/09 61:46 Retreat (day of recollection) given to the sisters at Anchorage.
202 Tr-1 1968 51:21 Carmelites in Louisville.
202 Tr-2 1968 12:35 Side 2 of original tape.
202 Tr-3 1968 40:41 Carmelites in Louisville, continued.
202 Tr-4 1968/02 05:39 Fire side chat, February 2, 1968.
203 Tr-1 1968 59:26 Prophetic vision. Part 1 of 2. oversize+0059
203 Tr-2 1968 37:46 Prophetic vision. Part 2 of 2. oversize+0059
203 Tr-3 1968 53:33 Women in the church: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2 oversize+0059
203 Tr-4 1968 43:30 Women in the church: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2 oversize+0059
203 Tr-5 1968 48:44 Zen, Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2. oversize+0059
203 Tr-6 1968 49:46 Zen, Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2. oversize+0059
203 Tr-7 1968 19:26 Hassidism: the prophetic vision continued. oversize+0059
203 Tr-8 1968 31:32 Yoga: the prophetic vision continued. 1 of 2. oversize+0059
203 Tr-9 1968 48:41 Yoga: the prophetic vision continued. 2 of 2. oversize+0059
204 Tr-1 1968/06/18 63:42 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968.
204 Tr-2 1968/06/18 33:15 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968, continued. (Comment on effects of technology.)
204 Tr-3 1968/06/18 21:01 Crisis of monasticism. Talk to novice masters at Gethsemani, June 18, 1968, continued.
205 Tr-1 1968 68:47 Time and prayer, vocation. The Redwoods conference. oversize+0066
205 Tr-2 1968 03:18 Time and prayer, vocation. The Redwoods conference, continued.
205 Tr-3 1968 42:48 French lecture with interpreter.
206 Tr-1 1968/09/29 62:37 Day of recollection for sisters Anchorage, Alaska.

206 Tr-2 1968/09/29 62:23 Day of recollection for sisters Anchorage, Alaska, continued.
207 Tr-1 none 79:17 Imagination in the life of prayer.
207 Tr-2 none 52:40 Idolatry.
208 Tr-1 1968 36:00 Community. Eberhard Arnold.
208 Tr-2 1968 09:56 Theology of prayer.
208 Tr-3 1968 11:12 Conscience and Prayer.
209 Tr-1 1968 30:42 Workshop - contemplative life.
209 Tr-2 1968 18:09 Monastic community.
209 Tr-3 1968 16:18 Jewish book on unity - Martin Buber's The Way of Man.
210 Tr-1 1968 46:19 Day of recollection. (Alaska - see 206)
210 Tr-2 1968 16:16 Dialog on prayer.
210 Tr-3 1968 57:08 Dialog on prayer, continued.
211 Tr-1 1968/12/13 34:24 Compline - 7.30 pm
211 Tr-2 1968/12/17 21:12 Reception of Thomas Merton's body in the community cloister - 1.15 pm, 12/17/1968.
211 Tr-3 1968/12/17 63:40 Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968.
211 Tr-4 1968/12/17 55:35 Vespers and funeral mass of Thomas Merton - 3:30 pm, 12/17/1968, continued.
211 Tr-5 1968/12/17 13:36 Burial service of Thomas Merton, monks cemetery, Gethsemani.
212 Tr-1 1967/04/22 2:39 Short segment of talk by Thomas Merton.
212 Tr-3 1967/05/03 52:04 Baptized in life (Ibn Al Arabi). Madness and civilization. Camus and Augustine.

213 Tr-01 1967/04/22 08:50 Merton reads his own poetry - The Originators; A Round and a Hope for Smith Girls; A Carol; What Troubles I have Seen in Birdlegged Spring.
213 Tr-02 1967/04/22 18:15 Merton sings Eastertide chants.

213 Tr-03 1967/04/22 15:10 Experimental jazz meditation.
213 Tr-04 1967/04/22 08:11 Rites for the ejection of a leper.
213 Tr-05 1967/04/23 17:14 Notes on Sufi Ibn Al Arabi.

213 Tr-06 1967/04/23 05:09 Notes on Sufi Ibn Al Arabi and Shoshonean Indians.
213 Tr-07 1967/04/24 07:03 Ideas on use of audio tape.
213 Tr-08 1967/04/24 16:52 Merton on birds. Experimental reading - Samuel Beckett. Reads some of his own new poetry.
213 Tr-09 1967/04/30 42:59 Relation of God to nature in Ibn Al Arabi. Union with God. Masao Abe and the dialogue between Buddhists and Christians. Martin Buber.

213 Tr-10 1967/05/02 11:02 Madness and civilization.(Repeats tape #212:3)
213 Tr-11 1967/05/03 38:28 Camus and Augustine. (Repeats tape #212:3)
214 Tr-01 1967/05/29 10:16 Rites for the extrusion of a leper. (Finished version.)
214 Tr-02 1967/05/29 23:16 Asceticism, celibacy and eschatology.

214 Tr-03 1967/06/03 05:00 Poems for hospital. (Repeats tape #175a:1)
214 Tr-04 1967/06/03 25:53 Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche. (Repeats tape #175a:2)

214 Tr-05 1967/06/03-04 32:59 Comments on Nietzsche.

214 Tr-06 1967/05/14 17:19 Reads from his journal for May 14, 1967 - Pentecost Sunday - and May 18. Eschatology.

214 Tr-07 1967/05/14 15:35 Creation of man in Ibn Al Arabi.
214 Tr-08 1967/05/19 18:16 Madness and civilization by Michel Foucault. Cargo cults.

214 Tr-09 1967/05/20 20:02 Secular Signs, Ceremony for Edward Dahlberg and other poems. Thoughts for Trinity Sunday sermon. Listen to an excerpt.
214 Tr-10 1967/05/21 23:22 Trinity Sunday thoughts continued.
214 Tr-12 1967/05/21 51:28 Trinity Sunday sermon by Thomas Merton. Mass continues. oversize+0053
215 Tr-1 1967/06/03 51:13 Chastity and celibacy. (First 6 minutes) Poems for hospital. (Repeats tape #175a:1) Readings from journals about Niels Bohr, genetics, evolution, war, Nietzsche. (Repeats tape #175a:2)
215 Tr-2 1967/06/04 20:36 Continuation from track #1.
216 Tr-1 1967/07/29 43:10 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 1 of 4. oversize+0065
216 Tr-2 1967/07/29 50:24 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 2 of 4. oversize+0065
216 Tr-3 1967/07/29 46:57 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions (Includes section on Camus). Part 3 of 4. oversize+0065
216 Tr-4 1967/07/29 24:07 Address to Sisters of Loretto about the religious life following on from discussions. Part 4 of 4.
216 Tr-5 1967/07/29 19:37 Merton reads his poetry from the prologue to The Geography of Lograire - The Endless Description - and from the North Canto - Queens Tunnel.
217 Tr-1 1967/06/12 38:53 Monastic renewal, monastic reform. Taize.
217 Tr-2 1967/06/15 23:59 Ideas on virginity. The Castle by Kafka.
217 Tr-3 1967/06/17 35:12 Comments of general chapter.
217 Tr-4 1967/06/17 33:31 Religious renewal. Comments on book by Brian Wicker.
217 Tr-5 1967/06/17 62:53 Camus and Kafka. Comments on general chapter. Second part repeats 217:4 - Comments on book by Brian Wicker.
217 Tr-6 1967/06/21 22:40 More on Kafka.
217 Tr-7 1967/06/22 15:46 Notes on Brian Wicker.
217 Tr-8 1967/06/23 23:02 Decision in the religious life and in the Christian life.
218 Tr-1 none 62:07 Spontaneity, Community, Religion. Cruelty in the community life. Contemplation.
218 Tr-2 none 50:04 Art and Artists. Relationship between nuns and monks. Dominican nuns. Humility and peace.
218 Tr-3 none 12:52 Life of prayer. Opportunities for self sufficiency in the cloistered community.

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Recordings of Visiting Speakers

Thomas Merton would frequently ask those coming to visit him at Gethsemani to address his novices and these talks were also recorded. The following lectures by such visitors are held in the archives of the Thomas Merton Center but the intellectual property belongs to the speaker or his estate.

Tape Author Date Length Title
013 Tr-2 Englesicvich, Ivan 1962/07 31:23 Guest speaker, orthodox Ivan Englesicvich, fugate?
015 Tr-1 Kelty, Matthew 1962/08/05 31:03 Fr. Matthew Kelty
017 Tr-2 Schachter, Zalman 1962/08 61:30 Zalman Schachter and Rabbi L. Silberman
017 Tr-3 Berrigan, Daniel 1962/08 62:23 Rev. Dan Berrigan S.J. "Poverty"
017 Tr-4 Berrigan, Daniel 1962/08 10:59 Rev. Dan Berrigan S.J. "Poverty" concluded
018 Tr-1 Berrigan, Daniel 1962/08/13 31:51 Fr. Dan Berrigan first talk to choir novices
018 Tr-2 Silberman, Lou H. 1962/08 30:42 Rabbi L. Silberman Dead Sea Scrolls
018 Tr-3 Walsh, Anthony 1962/08/16 30:57 Mr. Tony Walsh choir novitiate
020 Tr-4 Berrigan, Daniel 1962/08/28 26:54 Fr. Dan Berrigan's last talk to the novices
042 Tr-4 W. Miller; Paul Peachy 1963/01/27 61:56 Non-violence. Bettelheim, non-violent behavior in concentration camps.
048 Tr-2 Silberman, Lou H. 1963/03/19 55:12 Qumran community.
049 Tr-3 Silberman, Lou H. 1963/03/18 32:18 The Psalms.
053 Tr-1 Bissey, Colomban 1963/04/24 25:05 Dom Colomban to novices and juniors.
059 Tr-3 Hindu Swami 1963/07/03 28:59 Swami in yoga teaching.
059 Tr-4 Hindu Swami 1963/07/04 32:32 Swami in yoga teaching.
061 Tr-3 Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi 1963/08/02 29:21 R.J. Zwi Werblowsky on St. John of the Cross.
064 Tr-1 Bamberger, John Eudes 1963/07/30 24:03 Fr. Eudes.
065a Tr-1 Hindu Swami 1963/07/02 36:38 Talk on yoga by the Swami.
065a Tr-3 Bamberger, John Eudes 1963/08/05 39:11 Fr. Eudes.
065b Tr-1 Nocent, Adrien 1963/08/09 52:35 Dom Adrien Nocent from Maredsous on the liturgy.
065b Tr-2 Nocent, Adrien 1963/08/10 35:07 Dom Adrien Nocent from Maredsous - talk in novitiate on the liturgy.
066 Tr-2 Griffiths, Bede 1963/08/23 38:42 Dom Bede Griffiths - novitiate talk.
066 Tr-3 Griffiths, Bede 1963/08/24 35:13 Dom Bede Griffiths in chapter.
067 Tr-2 Bamberger, John Eudes 1963/09/15 55:28 St. Basil.
067 Tr-3 Bamberger, John Eudes 1963/09/22 48:18 St. Basil's "moralia" as a rule for both ascetics and lay people.
094 Tr-3 Borgstedt, Gregory 1964/02/03 36:58 Father Gregory Borgstedt, O.S.B. Novice master at Mount Saviour
100 Tr-3 Graham, Aelred 1964/03/08 53:17 Dom Aelred Graham
116 Tr-3 Bissey, Colomban 1964/04/08 26:49 Talk to novices and juniors by Dom Colomban. (Gaps.)
126 Tr-2 Connor, James 1963/09/23 30:23 St. Gregory the Great.
131 Tr-3 Br. Antoninus 1964/11/14 27:02 Br. Antoninus on poetry. William Everson.
147 Tr-3 Schachter, Zalman 1965/05/23 37:07 Zalman M. Schachter.
175b Tr-2 Walsh, Dan none 53:47 Lecture by Dan Walsh.
211 Tr-6 Walsh, Dan 1968/12/25 49:19 Christmas Day mass at Merton's hermitage. Celebrant Fr. Dan Walsh.
212 Tr-2 Walsh, Dan 1967/04/22 49:21 Origin of philosophy in the West. Lecture by Dan Walsh.
214 Tr-11 Walsh, Dan 1967/05/21 18:03 Trinity Sunday high mass at Gethsemani - Dan Walsh celebrant.

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