The Catholic Worker, Vol. 04, No. 06 (October 1936)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 04, No. 06 (October 1936)
Fishermen Fight For Recognition of Union Rights
Easy Essays by Peter Maurin
C.W. to Organize Catholic Group to Protest War
Workers of the World Unite! Under Christ, Light of the World
Strikebreaking, Labor Spy Rackets Revealed
Consumer Co-op Planned to Foil Milk Profiteers
Worker Reports Just Strike in Reading Factory
Radio City User Retracts Charge Against Employer in 2nd Letter
Our Contemporaries Say:
Catholic Worker Hears From 4 Bishops in Sept.
‘No Compromise With Mammon’--Rev. Paul Furfey
The Right Way
Sharecroppers Get Action in Arkansas
Book Reviews
Boston Letter
Expect Vermont Dairymen to Support N.Y. Strike
An Appeal
Day After Day
The Chicago Letter
Letters From Our Readers
Religion Is the Hope of the People
The Negro Needs Co-operation!
Employment Agents Milk Poor For Jobs
Peace Day October 25th For Catholic Colleges
Personalism and Communitarianism
Open Letter to Father Lord, S.J.
Farming Commune
Exiled Anti-Fascist in Attack on Impure Means
1936 October
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 4:6.