- "In the Beginning of the Catholic Worker," a speech delivered in 1985 by Joseph Zarrella on his memories of life in the early years of the Catholic Worker
"You never leave the Catholic Worker " An interview with Joe Zarrella about his time at the Catholic Worker
Ade Bethune at Catholic Worker Retreat, 1939 Image of Ade Bethune with her assistant and Father Sebastian Erbacher, presumably at a Catholic Worker retreat
Ade Bethune at Catholic Worker Retreat, 1939 Image of Ade Bethune standing in front of a wagon at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA.
Ade Bethune Mural at a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality in New York Image of a mural by Ade Bethune at a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality in New York. The mural is of a woman worker holding a broom, a male worker in overalls, and possibly Pope Pius XI holding hands.
Ade Bethune print "Our Lady of Homework" Ade Bethune print "Our Lady of Homework"
Ade Bethune print "St. Dorothy: Martyr" Ade Bethune print "St. Dorothy, Martyr"
Ade Bethune, Tamar Hennessy, and Joe Zarrella Image of Ade Bethune, Ade Bethune, Tamar Hennessy, and Joe Zarrella
Alice in Wonderland Image of Alice Lautner Zarrella at the Catholic worker in New York City. She is standing over a sink, perhaps doing laundry. Caption on back reads "Alice in Wonderland"
Alice Lautner at the Catholic Worker in New York, 1939 Image of Alice Lautner Zarrella outside the Catholic Worker office
Alice Zarrella visiting Dorothy Day, 1979. Image of Alice Lautner Zarrella and Gerry Griffin visiting Dorothy Day a few months before her death
American Field Service Departure Permit for Joseph Zarrella Permit of local board for registrant to depart from the United States issued to Joseph Zarrella for volunteering with the American Field Service. As a conscientious objector to the war, Zarrella instead served as an ambulance driver in the American Field Service.
American Field Service Identification Card, Joseph Zarrella, 1943 Identification card for Joseph Zarrella for the American Field Service. As a conscientious objector to the war, Zarrella instead served as an ambulance driver in the American Field Service during World War II.
Back of letter from Dorothy Day to Alice and Joe Zarrella. 1951 January 2 Back of the note with an image by Fritz Eichenberg.
Back of letter from Dorothy Day to the Zarrellas. 1979 February Back of card - from CW. Image by Meinrad Craighead
Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. 1938 June 13 Letter from Day to Joe, describes work at Easton farms and inquires to Joe about managing the house, page 2 of 2
Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. 1940 April 5 Letter to Joe from on the road. Talks about going into migrant camps on the west coast. Pg 2
Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. 1940 February 12 Letter from Day to Joseph Zarrella. Providea an update from Portland. Talks about Catholic Worker being broke, but how that may be good for them. Her update shows how she strongly feels ties to the Worker even when on the road. Page 2
Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. 1940 June 12 Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. Image is possibly an Ade Bethune print. Seven Works of Mercy
Back of letter to Joseph Zarrella from Dorothy Day. December 1939 Second page of letter from Day to Zarella. In Mobile, AL. Describes life traveling and staying in convents, contrast to CW life; the need for her travels; and includes a special note to Joe appreciating all he does
Breadline at Detroit Catholic Worker House Image of a breadline at the Catholic Worker Detroit House
Breadline entering the Catholic Worker, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline entering the Catholic Worker, ca. 1937 Image of men in a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline inside the Catholic Worker Charity House, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline inside the Catholic Worker Charity House oon Mott Street in New York City. The photo focuses on one man who is drinking from a cup. The Ade Bethune mural of St. Paul visiting St. Peter in jail is in the background
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House in Milwaukee Description on the back reads "Milwaukee CW, 1937, Oct 11 opened"
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of breadline outside the Mott street Catholic Worker Charity House in New York.
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of breadline outside the Mott street Catholic Worker Charity House in New York. The long line goes around the corner.
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 A group of men stand waiting in the breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of men standing in the breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of men standing in the breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline rounding the corner of Crawford department store. The men in line are waiting for food served at the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of men standing in the breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1938 Imageof breadline outside the CW in NY. Back of photo reads " 115 Mott St NYC, 1938-39"
Card from Dorothy Day to Joe and Alice Zarrella. 1964 December 31 Card from Dorothy Day thanking Zarrellas for gift of snow boots that helped her in the winter. The card has an image by Fritz Eichenberg.
Card from Dorothy Day to Joe and Alice Zarrella. 1978 January 12 Card from Dorothy Day to the Zarrellas providing an update. She mentions being sick and having a heart attack. Inside of card
Card from Dorothy Day to Joe and Alice Zarrella. 1978 January 12 Front of card from Dorothy Day with an image by Fritz Eichenberg.
Catholic Worker Gathering, July 2-3, 1991 Image of Tamar Hennessy and Ade Bethune with others at the CW gathering in Boston, July 2-3, 1991
Catholic Worker membership card belonging to Joseph Zarrella Catholic Worker membership card of Zarrella. Signed by Dorothy Day. No date
Certificate of Identity Card for Joseph Zarrella, 1943 Civilian certificate of identity for Joseph Zarrella. As a conscientious objector to the war, Zarrella instead served as an ambulance driver in the American Field Service during World War II.
Cesar Chavez at Dorothy Day's funeral Image of Cesar Chavez at Day's funeral, 1980
Christ as carpenter holding hands - Ade Bethune Mural at a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality in New York Image of a mural by Ade Bethune at a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality in New York. Mural is of Jesus dressed as a carpenter holding hands of other workers.
Civilian Public Service Camp No. 15, Operated by Association of Catholic Conscientious Objectors Image of two men holding tools and hanging up a sign on the side of a building that reads "Civilian Public Servic Camp No. 15, Operated by Association of Catholic Conscientious Objectors." The back of the photo identifies one of the men as "Dwight Larrowe." Many volunteers and staff members of the Catholic Worker went to prison or public service camps during World War II for refusing the draft.
Detroit Catholic Worker House Image of the Catholic Worker House in Detroit
Dorothy Day and daughter Tamar at Easton Farm 1937 Image of Dorothy and Tamar holding a goat at Easton Farm, PA.
Dorothy Day at Catholic Worker Farm, 1939 Image at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm Easton, PA. The back label of the photo identifies: Tamar, Dorothy, Bill Callahan, and Arthur Durrenberger, Jr.
Dorothy Day at Catholic Worker Farm, 1939 Image of a group gathered, including Dorothy Day, outside of a building at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA. The back of the photo is labeled "Fr. Joachim Benson and Dorothy Day."
Dorothy Day at Catholic Worker Farm, 1939 Image of Dorothy Day at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA. She is standing in a field with an unknown woman.
Dorothy Day at Catholic Worker Retreat Image of Dorothy Day and Tamar with a goat at a CW retreat at a the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA.
Dorothy Day at the Detroit Catholic Worker, ca. 1936 Image of Dorothy Day at the Detroit Catholic Worker with an unidentified priest
Dorothy Day at the Detroit Catholic Worker, ca. 1936 Image of Dorothy Day leaning on a car with two unidentified people at the Detroit Catholic Worker
Dorothy Day looking out window. Image of older Dorothy Day looking out the window, wearing a smock signed by fellow inmates while she served 10 days in prison for supporting farm workers, c. 1975.
Dorothy Day visiting Joe and Alice Zarrella, ca. 1964 Image of Dorothy Day visiting Joe and Alice Zarrella in Indiana. Photo was likely taken at St. Meinrad in Indiana.
Dorothy Day visiting Joe Zarrella in St. Meinrad, IN, ca. 1964 Image of Joe Zarrella, Dorothy Day, and Brother Xavier standing outside in St. Meinrad, IN
Dorothy Day with Catherine Mella at Catholic Worker Retreat, 1939 Image of Dorothy Day with Catherine Mella at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA.
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This is a website of the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University.