The Catholic Worker, Vol. 06, No. 06 (December 1938)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 06, No. 06 (December 1938)
Easy Essays by Peter Maurin
Day After Day
Denies Nat’l Guard Watched Silver Being Unloaded
Appeal for Lepers
‘Social Justice’ Publishes Anti-Semite Document
Prayers For Persecuted
Open Letter to The New Republic
The Gadfly
California Degrades Workers
Small Group Has Most of Income
Priest is Chosen as Chaplain by Seamen
Necktie Co-op Is Big Success
Holy Father Speaks on Nationalism
Australian Workers Reject Fascist Plan
Unity of AFL and CIO In Southwest
University and Action
Bishop Flays Persecution in Europe by Bishop Gannon
Jesus the Worker
Letters From Our Readers
Sharecroppers Plan Test Case Soon
Priest Berates Anti-Labor Conspiracy
Politics and Moral Theology by Don Luigi Sturzo
Catholic Church Has Defended Jews During Times of Stress
The Land
Farming Commune
Jacques Maritain
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 6:6.