The Catholic Worker, Vol. 18, No. 05 (November 1951)



The Catholic Worker, Vol. 18, No. 05 (November 1951)


Reflections on the Spirit of Christmas by Betty Bartelme
Holy Father Deplores Armament Race
"You Asked for a King" by Robert Ludlow
Death of Father Onesimus Lacouture, S.J. by Dorothy Day
Eightieth Birthday of Don Sturzo
U. of California Denies Free Speech
On Pilgrimage by Dorothy Day
Maryfarm by Vincenza Baglioni
Chrystie Street by Tom Sullivan
Peter Maurin Farm by Georgia Kiernan
Book Review: Waiting on God by Simone Weil
Book Review: On Good Ground by Sister Helen Angela Hurley
Book Review: The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
Strange Lands and Friendly People by William O. Douglas
Poem: Christmas Canzone by Dachine Rainer



Click here for a list of all issues of The Catholic Worker held by the Merton Center.


Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 18:5.


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