The Catholic Worker, Vol. 07, No. 01 (September 1939)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 07, No. 01 (September 1939)
European Mess by Peter Maurin
Fight Conscription
Funds Needed to Carry on Work in N. Y. – Day After Day
Co-ops Keep Prices Down In War Time
Anti-Semitism Decried by Father Rice
We Are To Blame For New War in Europe
Co-operative Effort By Self Help Group
The Gadfly
Catholic Union of Unemployed
Peace and War by Cardinal Innitzer
Prayer for Peace by Pope Benedict XV
CIO To Try Organizing Canal Zone Workers
Migrating Industry
C.W. Retreat
Letters From Our Readers
Cleveland, Ohio
Harrisburg, Pa.
Ramsey, Illinois
Sample of Ohio Justice To Labor
Pamphlet Review
Philadelphia C.W. Gets New House of Hospitality
The Land
Farming Commune by James Montague
Missouri Croppers Need Help Badly by Lee M. Carter
Alabama Priest and Co-operative Village
Mechanization: The Pope Speaks
1939 September
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 7:1.