The Catholic Worker, Vol. 04, No. 12 (April 1937)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 04, No. 12 (April 1937)
5 and 10 Strikers In N.Y. Sit-Down Win Concessions
Open Letter to John Brophy, CIO Director
Danger of Riots In Chicago Slums, Reports Dr. Falls
The Sit-Down Technique by Peter Maurin
Interview With a Southern Gentleman From Illinois
C.A.T.U. Passes constitution and Makes Progress
A New Encyclical
Rochester Letter by John C. Fox
Art and Revolution by Eric Gill
The Catholic Theater by Emmet Lavery
Boston Letter by John Magee, Jr.
The Prince of the World
Coordination Keynote of Social Colloquium
German Bishops Say Church Will Outlive Nazism
Day After Day
Jesus Saith to Them, Come and Dine
Letters From Our Readers
Pax Romana Plans Are Under Way
Catholic Editor Named Arbitrator of U.S. in Seattle Dock Dispute
Chicago Letter
Truce of God Observed In Spain
New Hospice Opens Soon In Washington
St. Louis Letter by Cyril Echele
Utility Workers Go CIO
The Land
Problems of Agriculture
First Year at The Farm
Farming Commune
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 4:12.