The Catholic Worker, Vol. 03, No. 05 (October 1935)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 03, No. 05 (October 1935)
The Communist Party Vs. The Catholic Worker by Peter Marvin
South Side Chicago Scene of Violence In Recent Protest
Campion Group Pickets Consulate With Pictures
Joe Bennett Dies; First Apostle of Labor of Catholic Worker
Italy Invades Ethiopia; Christian Nation Succumbs To Pagan Ethics of War
Towel Workers Retreat
Progress of Farm Center Initiated by Priest Shows Way of the Crisis
Bosses and Workers
Bourgeois Colleges by Peter Maurin
No Judicial Remedy, Says John F. Finerty In California Courts
Msgr. McMahon Urges Prayer, Action, Sacrifice At Cleveland Congress
Friend of Catholic Worker Bicycles Across Country and Boosts Circulation
Margaret’s Message
“Personalist Revolution” Is Leading Editorial In Midwest Paper
Catholic Social Drama Given by 100,000 J.O.C.
Campion Propaganda Committee
Seamen Go Everywhere by Ivor Daniel
Sharecroppers, Tenant Farmers Keep Cotton Hanging in the Fields
The Strike
Hope for Herndon
Harlem Tempo by Stanley Vishnewski
Housing Commissioner Reveals Evils of Slums; Asks for Humanitarianism
Colored High School
Bringing Them In
Company “Unions”
Before the Alter
On Relief
Ford and His Followers Poison Their Workers
Day After Day
Vigilantes Get Kick-Back On Tar-Feather Party
Church Trustee Apologizes To Slave – In 18th Century
Farmers Push Plan For Power Co-Op
Social Sermonettes
The Preface for the Mass of Christ the King
Erin and the Negro by Rev. Chas. Owen Rice
With the Selling Force in Boston by Stanley Vishnewski
The Madonna Is Dying!
Our Children’s Corner
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 3:5.