The Catholic Worker, Vol. 01, No. 06 (November 1933)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 01, No. 06 (November 1933)
Nation-Wide Strikes Advance As Workers Fight for Justice Against Capital’s Ruthless War
Lynching is Scored at Big Meeting Of the Laymen’s Union
Call For Catholic Houses for Needy Women and Girls
NRA Attacked on All Sides; Trade Groups Threaten Act C. of C. Seeing its Control
Violence Imminent in 21-State Strike; Farm’s Doom Seen
Wall Street Pays—And Pays, and Pays
NRA Exempts Small Merchant—Will They Prosecute the Big?
The Labor Guild by Michael Gunn
Families of Five are Given $3.85 A Month Relief
Something to Mull Over; $135,000,000 Grant to R.R.
Piggy Wiggin Picks a Peck of People’s Pockets
Nation-Wide Protests Rouse Marlyanders Against Lynchings
Pacifist “Martyr” May Be Reinstated
Bosses Spies Work For NRA Sabotage
N.A.A.C.P. Protests Negro Exemption From Cotton Code
Groups Fight Edict On Mixed Meetings
Fr. L. Geary Pleads for Nomadic Youth
Russia Entertains American Seamen by James McGovern
Sermons on Social Justice Heard By Many Catholics by Joseph Barnes Bennett
And Now a Note of Melancholy
Letters and Comment
From The “Commonweal”
Catholic Labor Papers
Must Evictions Continue? Sign Pledge In Opposition
No Continuing City V by Dorothy Day
The Forgotten People… by Anscar hammon
Christ in His Poor by Father Elliot Ross
Denver Bishop Scores Un-American, Immoral Persecution of Jews
Catholics are Red, Young Communist Shouts in Debate
Arcadian Adventures of the Idle Poor
Democracy Ceases To Be A Matte—Berdyaev
House of Hospitality
Communistic Ideals Hold Some Truth, Says Fr. McGowan
NRA in South Gives Whites Preference
Priest Points Way to Organized Economic Life; Bases Theories on Pope’s Encyclicals
Soap Union Shows Up P. & G. ‘Profit-Shares’ As Exploiter’s Dodge
Economics vs. Ethics is Battle for Justice and the Good Life by George M. Boyle
Fr. McGowan Compares Encyclicals and NRA. Says NRA May Be Approach to Just Order
Fr. Curran Supports Opposition Penn. Coal Miners in New Strike
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 1:6.