The Catholic Worker, Vol. 11, No. 08 (October 1944)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 11, No. 08 (October 1944)
Comments On the News—In The Light of Faith
Cake and Circuses
Finland’s Peace
Poverty and Purity
Catholic U. Priest On Bombings
St. Paul Priest Goes on Record
Pittsburgh Priest Repudiates Draft
Sow In This Field
Easy Essays by Peter Maurin
The Catholic Worker Retreat House
Background for Peter Maurin by Dorothy Day
Christmas Cards And Crib Sets
Fools For Christ
A Talk With a Country Priest by Fr. Vincent McNabb
The Dance by Arthur Sheehan
Mary’s Poverty
From the Mail Bag
(1944) Houses of Hospitality
Make Haste to Help
He is Stripped by Eric Gill
Maternity Guild by Julia Porcelli
Martyrs by Stanley Vishnewski
A Rosary book by Eva Smith
1944 October
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 11:8.