The Catholic Worker, Vol. 11, No. 05 (May 1944)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 11, No. 05 (May 1944)
Easy Essays by Peter Maurin
Our Friend Joe
Western Bishop Pleads For Morality In War
Notes By The Way by Dorothy Day
A Few Vignettes by Arthur Sheehan
Pastor Begins A Soil Club
God’s Secret Weapon
A Little This—A Little That
Forward to Middle Ages by Liam Brophy
Freedom of Speech
The Peace Now Movement Vs. Sadistic Journalism by George W. Hartmann
War Brings Atrocities by Gordon Zarn
Faith In Israel by Rev. John M. Oceterricher
Our First Year and Our Tenth by David Mason
Country School
Rogation Days by Fr. Clarence Duffy
Bishops’ Plan for Labor by Helen Haye
Chicago Unit
Writing IX by Ade de Bethune
A Modern Mother by “Legionnaire”
Catholic Women—Awake!
The Christian Conspiracy
Catholic Worker Appeal
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 11:5.