The Catholic Worker, Vol. 26, No. 03 (October 1959)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 26, No. 03 (October 1959)
On Pilgrimage by Dorothy Day
Nuclear Challenge to Conscience by James W. Douglass
The Connection by Kieran Dugan
Anarchist—Libertarian by Paul Goodman
St. Paul by Jean Danielou
Inside Mexico by Stanley Vishnewski
Nonviolent Saints in the Catholic Church by Abbe Paul Carette
A Child’s Poems by Rachel de Aragon
St. Francis
Hibbing by Kieran Dugan
News of Ammon
This Talk of ‘Overpopulation’ by Rev. Anthony Zimmerman, S.V.D.
Archbishop Roberts S.J. Speaks On War in Montreal by Jack Birmingham
Notes On Cooperation by William Horvath
Fr. Prince Dies
Thoreau on the Church
Peter Maurin Farm by Elizabeth Rogers
Book Reviews
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 26:3.