The Catholic Worker, Vol. 25, No. 05 (December 1958)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 25, No. 05 (December 1958)
On Pilgrimage by Dorothy Day
Chrystie Steet by Robert Steed
The Mystery of the Nativity by St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor
Against Class War by Peter Maurin
In the Market Place by Ammon Hennacy
The Way of Peace by Rev. J. F. T. Prince
Good-bye by John Stanley
Second Anniversary by Edward Morin
New Southern Publication
Poverty by William James (in 1902)
Book Reviews
Books Recommended (Reviewed) by Elizabeth Rogers
International Volunteer Service
$4 Spinning Wheel From India
War by Georgess Bernanos
CW Friend Directs Academy Guild Press
Conscription and No Man’s Land by Tony Stoneburner
Peter Maurin Farm by Stanley Vishnewski
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 25:5.