The Catholic Worker, Vol. 18, No. 07 (February 1952)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 18, No. 07 (February 1952)
The Enemy Within Us
Coal Miners Die In Illinois
Respect Insurance Pickets
Pius XII: Prayer for the Apostolate
Birth Control by Michael Harrington
Gandhi Followers Meet in Italy
“Plain Duty to Disobey Government” by Bishop Ancel
European Catholic Pacifists Meet
Easy Essay by Peter Maurin
The Long Loneliness (excerpt) by Dorothy Day
On Pilgrimage by Dorothy Day
Eastern Rite Catholics and Reunion by Robert Ludlow
Maryfarm by D. C. McCarthy
Notes on Unity by Jane O’Donnell
The Necessity for Poverty by Tom Campbell
Open Letter on Taxes by Ammon Hennacy
Peter Maurin Farm by Emily Scarbourgh
Book Reviews
Chrystie Street by Tom Sullivan
Carthusian Progress
Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 18:7.