The Catholic Worker, Vol. 54, No. 06 (September 1987)
The Catholic Worker, Vol. 54, No. 06 (September 1987)
Homelessness Racial Segregation Renewed by Carl Sichiano
Christ Transfigured—Death into Life by Meg Brodhead
Maryhouse by Bernie Connaughton
A Promising Young Man by Jane Sammon
The Historical Reality: From Colonized to Colonizer by Giaron O’Reilly
A Quiet Walk During Time of War by Bro. Edgar Rivera, S.J.
Air Force Sergeant Turns C.O.
Liberals and Liberators by Peter Maurin
Book Reviews
Third Mistrial for Epiphany Plowshares by Art Laffin
A Baton Wielding Angel by Bill Dean
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
Midnight Run by Joseph H. Gilmore
Cubans Await Release by Fr. Roy Bourgeois, M.M.
News and Notes
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 54:6.