The Catholic Worker, Vol. 53, No. 07 (October-November 1986)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 53, No. 07 (October-November 1986)
Her Name Was Mercy by Jane Sammon
Emmanuel Mounier, Personalist by Bill Griffin
A Prayer for October 3rd by Delton Davis
St. Joseph House by Robert Peters
A Matter of Compassion on Trial by David Beseda
To Build Up the Kingdom by Jeannette Noel
No Holy War by MSGR. Bruce Kent
Soldiers and Protesters The Night Watch at Mutlangen by Amy Cross
Jurists Break Their Silence by Tim Lambert
Crimes Closer to Home by Katharine Temple
Notes in Brief: The Military, and Draft Registration
A Requiem for a Good Man by John C. Cort
1986 October-November
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 53:7.