The Catholic Worker, Vol. 40, No. 09 (December 1974)



The Catholic Worker, Vol. 40, No. 09 (December 1974)


Behold, He Comes As One Who Is Poor
Housing by Dorothy Day
Journeys by Larry Rosebaugh
Tivoli: a Farm With a View by Deane Mary Mowrer
Dishwater and Powdered Milk by Karl Meyer
The Vision Quest of the American Indian by Thomas Berry
Fasting and the Genesis of Corn: A Tale by H. R. Schoolcraft
Creation by James A. Janda
Native Americans: The Enduring Tragedy by Ann Hill
The Jaguar and the Moon by Pablo Antonio Cuadra, translated by Thomas Merton
36 East First by Anne Marie Fraser
Notes in Brief – Pope Pleads For World’s Hungry
The Stone Which the Builders Rejected
Namibia: Being Born
The Mushroom Pickers of Morgan Hill by Jan Adams



Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 40:9.


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