The Catholic Worker, Vol. 24, No. 01 (July-August 1957)


The Catholic Worker, Vol. 24, No. 01 (July-August 1957)
Dorothy Day Among Pacifist Jailed: Four from Our Staff Receive 30-Day Sentence For Defying Civil Defense Drill
H-Bomb Tests—The Voice of Rome
On Pilgrimage by Dorothy Day
Christ in the Wilderness by Father F. T. Prince
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Dorothy Day Writes From Jail
Ammon and Kerran Write
Death for Catherine
Peter Maurin Leads the Way
The Farmer as an Artist-Anarchist by John Stanley
Dear Sir!
Danilo Dolci’s Trial by Lanza Del Vasto
Jail Song of Welcome by Deane Mowrer
Book Reviews
The Fast of Lanza Del Vasto
Boycott Kohler
Picketing Atomic Tests In Las-Vegas by Ammon Hennacy
Two Weeks at Koinonia by Robert Steet
English Catholics On War
Sheep Among Wolves
1957 July-August
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 24:1.