The Catholic Worker, Vol. 32, No. 03 (November 1965)



The Catholic Worker, Vol. 32, No. 03 (November 1965)


Burning a Draft Card by Catherine Swann
Life & Death on the Streets of New York by Tom Cornell
Suicide or Sacrifice? By Dorothy Day
Crime Against God and Man by Bishop Charles Grant
Proximate Occasion of Sin by Rev. George Andrew Beck
Chrystie Street by Nicole d’Entremont
On Pilgrimage (Cont’d from October issue) by Dorothy Day
Why Destroy Draft Cards? By Dwight MacDonald
A Farm With A View by Deane Mary Mowrer
Why I Said No to the Draft by Murphy Dowouis
Joe Hill House by Ammon Hennacy
Book Reviews
Problems of Conscience by Rev. George Andrew Beck
Liturgy and Society by Canon F. H. Drinkwater
Requiem for a Flame by Anne Taillefer



Thomas Merton Center, Sub-Section H.17A: Joseph Zarrella Papers, Accession 1, Series 5: The Catholic Worker newspaper, 32:3.


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