Question and answer session (edited) following "In the Beginning of the Catholic Worker," a speech delivered in 1985 by Joseph Zarrella. Most questions answered by Joe Zarrella, but there are also audio responses from Gerry Griffin and Mary Alice Zarrella.
Question and answer session (edited) following "In the Beginning of the Catholic Worker," a speech delivered in 1985 by Joseph Zarrella. Most questions answered by Joe Zarrella, but there are also audio responses from Gerry Griffin and Mary Alice Zarrella.
Some audio removed which was difficult to hear. Unedited version appears in the Merton Center Collection.
Original reel-to-reel audio tapes from the Dorothy Day - Catholic Worker Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, Marquette University.
Catholic Worker Movement
Original Format
1 sound cassette : analog, 1 7/8 ips.
31 minutes