1967-11-18: Letter from Rev. Mother Abbess Marie of the Assumption, PCC to the Abbess of the Monastery of Saint Clare, Lowell, Massachusetts
1967-11-18: Letter from Rev. Mother Abbess Marie of the Assumption, PCC to the Abbess of the Monastery of Saint Clare, Lowell, Massachusetts
This letter from one abbess to another, regards Merton's article "Openness and the Cloister", and speaks of aggiornamento of the religious life in regard to the observance of silence. [3 pages on one sheet, an air mail letter.]
Thomas Merton Collection, Section A (Correspondence), "Marie of the Assumption, Rev. Mother Abbess, P.C.C.", 1968/02/28
First Lines
Many thanks for your very kind letter, which reached us long ago. I hope you will forgive us