Fanon, Frantz. Black skin white masks: the experiences of a black man in a white world (New York, Grove Press [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection (marginalia only partially digitized, see note below).


For references to this book in Merton's journals, see also:

See also a scan of a page of Merton's reading notes kept in a separate notebook:


Fanon, Frantz. Black skin white masks: the experiences of a black man in a white world (New York, Grove Press [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection (marginalia only partially digitized, see note below).


Note: Scanning for this title was limited to pages with Merton's handwriting. Some pages with stars or extra emphasis were included. Too much of the book (almost every page) has markings to include all marginalia. See also the physical copy.


See accompanying link to Bellarmine University library catalog for the publisher and other bibliographic information.

Item sets