Evdokimov, Paul. La femme et le salut du monde: étude d'anthropologie chrétienne sur les charismes de la femme (Paris: Casterman, 1958). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection (marginalia only partially digitized, see note below).


References to this book (to page 126 and other references) in Merton's journals can be found in the following database: http://www.merton.org/Research/Quotations/results-b.asp?phrase=%22femme+et+le+salut+du+monde%22.
Evdokimov, Paul. La femme et le salut du monde: étude d'anthropologie chrétienne sur les charismes de la femme (Paris: Casterman, 1958). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection (marginalia only partially digitized, see note below).
Note: Scanning for this title was limited to pages with Merton's handwriting. Some pages with stars or extra emphasis were included. Too much of the book (almost every page) has markings to include all marginalia. See also the physical copy.
Paul Evdokimov
Thomas Merton
See accompanying link to Bellarmine University library catalog for the publisher and other bibliographic information.
Women in Christianity
Women. Religious Aspects.