Benz, Ernst. Evolution and Christian hope: man's concept of the future from the early Fathers to Teilhard de Chardin (Garden City, N.J., Doubleday, 1966). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.


For references to this book in Merton's journals and published correspondence, see also:


Benz, Ernst. Evolution and Christian hope: man's concept of the future from the early Fathers to Teilhard de Chardin (Garden City, N.J., Doubleday, 1966). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.


Evolution and Christian hope: man's concept of the future from the early Fathers to Teilhard de Chardin [Schöpfungsglaube und Endzeiterwartung]; by Ernst Benz. Translated from the German by Heinz G. Frank.


See accompanying link to Bellarmine University library catalog for the publisher and other bibliographic information.

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