Agehananda Bharati. The Tantric Tradition (London, Rider 1965 [i.e. 1966]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.


Thomas Merton Collection, B.5: Marginalia Section: List of Books with Merton's Marginalia.


Agehananda Bharati. The Tantric Tradition (London, Rider 1965 [i.e. 1966]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.


Archivist's note: additional marginalia discovered on page 97 and added to scanned file 22 July 2024.

Book inscribed with the name Linda Parsons. She likely sent or gave in person Thomas Merton the copy. Parsons visited Merton at Gethsemani June 29-30, 1966. Linda Parsons, born Miroslav Prozak (also spelled Miroslava Projak), was a Catholic convert in her thirties who underwent powerful ecstasies of religious experience. Parsons and Martha Crampton of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, organized the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society for the study of religious experience. She began a correspondence with Merton, and, after his death, founded a Thomas Merton Retreat Center at Lake Magog, near the Benedictine monastery of St. Benoît du Lac. Later, she married Peter Sabbath who became the retreat center's director, which later moved to Montreal. (Source: The Hidden Ground of Love, p. 516.)


Agehananda Bharati, Swami, 1923-1991



Thomas Merton Collection, B.5: Marginalia Section- Agehananda Bharati; The Tantric Tradition.

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