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The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (2019) Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, paperback
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (2019) Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, hardcover
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (1998) Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, paperback (redesigned cover)
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (1998) Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, paperback
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (1973) Spoleczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak, paperback
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Polish language (1972) Spoleczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak, paperback
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Czech language (2002) Cesta, Brno; Mlada Mikulicovza translation
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Czech language (1968) Krest'anska Akademie, Rome; Vladimir Vyhlidka translation
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Swedish language (2005) Catholica, Angelholm
The Seven Storey Mountain Editions and Translations: Swedish language (1975) Gleerupska, Lund, reprint