Finding Aid for Thomas Merton Correspondence with "Shipps, Howard Fenimore"
1954-02-14: Letter to Thomas Merton from Sr. Thérèse de l'Enfant Jesus et de l'Immaculée, M.C.D.
1968-03-12: Letter to Thomas Merton from Jean Sulzberger
Jean Sulzberger writes on behalf of Time-Life Books in New York and asks for a copy of Thomas Merton's literary magazine, Monks Pond.
1953-12-04: Letter to Thomas Merton from Fr. Nivard Kinsella, O.C.S.O.
Kinsella, though expressing positive feedback overall with Merton's book The Ascent to Truth, takes issue with an assertion about modern Thomists (or would like to know Merton's source for his claim) and finds Merton's presentation of "acquired contemplation" and "infused contemplation" to be confusing.
1967-05-13: Letter to Thomas Merton from Dorothy Dohen
Ivan Illich / Merton's essay, "The English Mystics," in Mystics and Zen Masters - Julian of Norwich / distrust of mysticism - Vatican II - Daniel Callahan's article, "The Renewal Mess" / questions Merton omitting the Spanish mystics - connection between St. John of the Cross and Zen
1967-04-29: Letter from Thomas Merton to Dorothy Dohen
Merton sends an "anti-poem about the bomb" (likely "Original Child Bomb") and a copy of his book Mystics and Zen Masters, especially thinking Dohen would appreciate his essay "From Pilgrimage to Crusade."
1967-04-12: Letter to Thomas Merton from Dorothy Dohen
1967-04-08: Letter from Thomas Merton to Dorothy Dohen
Merton mentions that Archbishop Helder Câmara stated Dohen's book to be "prophetic."
Undated: note to Thomas Merton from Br. René Richie, O.C.S.O.
Br. René Richie asks Merton if he plans to include Epictetus in his upcoming lecture on freedom given Epictetus's interest in the subject having once been a slave.
1961-03-23: Letter to Thomas Merton from John Mills
John Mills was a painter, print-maker, and essayist of art history. He knew Merton's friend in publishing, James Laughlin, and sends Merton an autobiographical poem (not extant with letter).