Date is exactly
Toulouse-Lautrec, Béatrix de. La victoire en pleurant (Rouen: Editions de la Préfecture, 1967). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Shibayama, Zenkei. On Zazen Wasan (Kyoto : [s. n.], 1967). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Sebba, Gregor. Order and disorders of the soul: Eric Voegelin's philosophy of history. Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Inscribed by the author to Thomas Merton. -
Sadhu, Mouni. Meditation; an outline for practical study ( London: Allen and Unwin, 1967). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Porion, Jean-Baptiste. Amour et silence (Paris : Editions du Seuil, 1951). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Inscribed to Merton by Jean-Baptiste Porion. -
Polito, Julián Carlos. Estupor catatónico (B[uenos] Aires: Poesía-Ahora [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Ohara, Miyao. The songs of Hiroshima; an anthology [of poems in Japanese and English]: prefaces by Shinzo Hamai and D.J. Enright (Japan: Committee of "The Songs of Hiroshima," Asano Library, [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Nityaswarupananda, Swami. School of world civilization, for the study of mankind's cultural and scientific development from the universal standpoint; principles and scheme (New Delhi: Ramkrishna Mission, [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Nhât Hanh, Thích - The Viet Nam [Vietnam Poems] (Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
Naumann, Bernd. Auschwitz, a report on the proceedings against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and others before the court at Frankfurt; translated by Jean Steinberg; with an introduction by Hannah Arendt (London: Pall Mall P., 1966 [i.e. 1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.