Mark C. Meade - The Seven Storey Mountain at Seventy-Five: Classic or Déclassé? Presented for the Tuesdays with Merton Series, September 12, 2023.


Mark C. Meade - The Seven Storey Mountain at Seventy-Five: Classic or Déclassé? Presented for the Tuesdays with Merton Series, September 12, 2023.
The Seven Storey Mountain has reached another milestone. How has Merton’s autobiography fared in the first quarter of the 21st century? Since the book’s fiftieth anniversary, the Catholic Church has had three contrasting papacies and undergone severely damaging scandals of clergy sexual abuse. The Catholic Church in the United States, in line with other Christian denomi­nations, has suffered declining church member­ship further fueled by a pandemic break in in-person attendance. Are Merton’s words now less central to the American religious experience, or does his story of spiritual longing resonate with people of our time in the U.S. and the world.

Mark C. Meade is the Assistant Director of the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY. The year 2023 marks his 20th year at the Merton Center. He is a past president of the International Thomas Merton Society. He has presented and published on Merton in the United States and abroad on topics including Merton’s correspondence with Victoria Ocampo, Merton and existentialist themes, and Merton and Albert Camus on opposition to the death penalty.
Meade, Mark C.
2023 September 12
© Mark Meade
Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968. Seven storey mountain
61 minutes
Tuesdays with Merton lecture