"Madness and Meaning: Thomas Merton and the Sixties"—ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019, by Joseph Quinn Raab.


All recorded lectures and panelists from the International Thomas Merton Society's 16th General Meeting at Santa Clara University, June 2019: https://merton.bellarmine.edu/s/Merton/item?Search=&property%5B0%5D%5Bproperty%5D=213&property%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=eq&property%5B0%5D%5Btext%5D=Santa%20Clara%20University.

"Madness and Meaning: Thomas Merton and the Sixties"—ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019, by Joseph Quinn Raab.
Joseph Quinn Raab is professor of Religious Studies and Theology at Siena Heights University. He received a Ph. D. in theology from the University of St. Michael’s College, at the University of Toronto (2000). He is co-editor of The Merton Annual: Studies in Culture, Spirituality and Social Concerns.
Thomas Merton produced his most poignant social critiques in the nineteen sixties. With Foucault’s Madness and Civilization in 1961 and Hannah Arendt’s Eichman in Jerusalem in 1963, the problem of what madness means was in the public discourse.     This paper explores the problem of “madness” in the final years of Merton’s life and considers their continued relevance in our own mad world.
Joseph Quinn Raab
27 June 2019
© Joseph Raab
Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968
24 minutes, 52 seconds
ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019