“From the Inner Frontier to the Last Frontier: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Alaska Journey"—ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019, by Kathleen Tarr.


All recorded lectures and panelists from the International Thomas Merton Society's 16th General Meeting at Santa Clara University, June 2019: https://merton.bellarmine.edu/s/Merton/item?Search=&property%5B0%5D%5Bproperty%5D=213&property%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=eq&property%5B0%5D%5Btext%5D=Santa%20Clara%20University.

“From the Inner Frontier to the Last Frontier: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Alaska Journey"—ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019, by Kathleen Tarr.
Kathleen Tarr is the author of We Are All Poets Here (2018). She earned her MFA at the University of Pittsburgh and serves on the board of the Alaska Humanities Forum.
In 1968, Merton spent 17 days in the land of tundra, glaciers, rain forests, and sacred and majestic mountains—Alaska. An intimate interpretation will be offered about Merton’s short, yet profound, sojourn north. New spiritual insights and physical details will deepen our understanding of this mostly overlooked aspect of Merton’s biography.
Tarr, Kathleen Witkowska
27 June 2019
© Kathleen Witkowska Tarr
Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968
35 minutes, 48 seconds
ITMS Sixteenth General Meeting at Santa Clara University in California, June 27, 2019