Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1938
Imageof breadline outside the CW in NY. Back of photo reads " 115 Mott St NYC, 1938-39"
Dorothy Day looking out window.
Image of older Dorothy Day looking out the window, wearing a smock signed by fellow inmates while she served 10 days in prison for supporting farm workers, c. 1975.
Serving food at the Catholic Worker in New York
Photo at the Catholic Worker in New York where meals were served to those in need. Description on back reads "Tex, Jim Brazil - window."
Ade Bethune, Tamar Hennessy, and Joe Zarrella
Image of Ade Bethune, Ade Bethune, Tamar Hennessy, and Joe Zarrella
Dorothy Day visiting Joe and Alice Zarrella, ca. 1964
Image of Dorothy Day visiting Joe and Alice Zarrella in Indiana. Photo was likely taken at St. Meinrad in Indiana.