Ade Bethune at Catholic Worker Retreat, 1939 Image of Ade Bethune with her assistant and Father Sebastian Erbacher, presumably at a Catholic Worker retreat
Men outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City Image of two men outside the Catholic Worker office in NYC. Description on back reads "Duncan Chisholm, 1940"
Inside the Catholic Worker Charity House, Mott Street, New York City Image of wall inside the Catholic Worker Charity House, including a quote from St. Thomas Aquinas
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House in Milwaukee Description on the back reads "Milwaukee CW, 1937, Oct 11 opened"
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of men standing in the breadline outside the Catholic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York
Pile of bread used for breadlines at a Catholic Worker house in New York, ca. 1937 Image of a pile of bread used to feed the needy in the breadlines at the Catholic Worker house on Mott Street in New York City. A partial view of an Ade Bethune mural is in the background.
Breadline inside the Catholic Worker Charity House, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline inside the Catholic Worker Charity House oon Mott Street in New York City. The photo focuses on one man who is drinking from a cup. The Ade Bethune mural of St. Paul visiting St. Peter in jail is in the background
Breadline entering the Catholic Worker, ca. 1937 Image of men in a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline entering the Catholic Worker, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City
Breadline outside the Catholic Worker Office, ca. 1937 Image of a breadline entering the Cathlolic Worker Charity House on Mott Street in New York City