Image of an Ade Bethune mural of St. Francis of Assisi at a Catholic Worker House of Hospitality in New York.
Image of Dorothy Day at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA. She is standing in a field with an unknown woman.
Image of Peter Maurin at the CW retreat at a farm in Easton, PA. He is in the center of a group of people. The back of photo labels some people in the group: "Eddie Pirent (sp?), Julia Porcelli, Ade Bethune, Jack Thorton, Hazen Ordway, Frank O'Donnell, John Curran (in chair), Peter Maurin, Marty Paul."
Image of Tamar (Dorothy Day's daughter) and unknown boy at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA making a sandcastle
Image of a group gathered, including Dorothy Day, outside of a building at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA. The back of the photo is labeled "Fr. Joachim Benson and Dorothy Day."
Image of Ade Bethune standing in front of a wagon at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA.
Image at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm Easton, PA. The back label of the photo identifies: Tamar, Dorothy, Bill Callahan, and Arthur Durrenberger, Jr.
Image of Dorothy Day with Catherine Mella at the CW retreat at the Catholic Worker farm in Easton, PA.
Image of Peter Maurin with people sitting in a circle around him at the Catholic Worker retreat at a farm in Easton, PA. The back of photo is labeled as "Retreat #1, Easton, Maryfarm, 1939. Ade Bethune"
Image of Tamar with a cow at a CW retreat at a farm in Easton, PA.