Thomas Merton's Marginalia in Books
Item set
- Palacios, Miguel Asín, 1871-1944. Huellas del Islam: Sto. Tomás de Aquino, Turmeda, Pascal, S. Juan de la Cruz ([Madrid]: Espasa-Calpe, s.a. [1941]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Origen; and Hans Urs von Balthasar (editor). Esprit et feu; 01, L'âme (Paris: Cerf, 1959). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert. The open mind: [eight lectures given by Robert Oppenheimer over a period from 1946 to 1954] (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Okey, Thomas (editor). The little flowers of St. Francis, The mirror of perfection by Leo of Assisi, The Life of St. Francis by St. Bonaventura (London: J. M. Dent; New York: E. P. Dutton, [1934]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Ohara, Miyao. The songs of Hiroshima; an anthology [of poems in Japanese and English]: prefaces by Shinzo Hamai and D.J. Enright (Japan: Committee of "The Songs of Hiroshima," Asano Library, [1967]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Ocampo, Victoria. Le vert paradis (Buenos Aires: Lettres françaises, 1944). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Nyanatiloka, Bhikkhu. The word of the Buddha: an outline of the teaching of the Buddha in the words of the Pali canon (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1968). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Nyanaponika, Thera. The power of mindfulness (Kandy, Ceylon: Buddhist Publication Society, 1968). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Nyanaponika, Thera. Anatta and Nibbana; egolessness and deliverance (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1959). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.
- Nwyia, Paul. Ibn 'Abbad de Ronda, 1332-1390: un mystique prédicateur à la Qarawiyin de Fès (Beyrouth: Impr. catholique, [1961]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection.