Thomas Merton's Manuscripts
Item set
- The Rosary and Its Mysteries (October): a section from "The Liturgical Year" by Thomas Merton, conference notes for novices at Gethsemani Abbey
- Blessed Beatrice, Prioress of Nazareth [Abbey], Lierre, Belgium (pages 239-243, from Modern biographical sketches of Cistercian Blessed and Saints, Book IV, by a Monk of Gethsemani Abbey [Thomas Merton])
- 1961 March 22 personal journal entry by Thomas Merton (partial journal page 84 of journal five)
Fromm, Erich, D. T. Suzuki, and Richard De Martino. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis [copy 2 of 2 in the marginalia collection] (New York, Harper [1960]). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection. Received from Gethsemani's monastic library in 2009. Seem to have possibly been inscribed to another monk. There are many fewer notes in this edition. See also, copy 1 of the same title.
The Secular Bookhouse by Thomas Merton, a manuscript originally drafted as "Me and the Secular Bookhouse" and published with revisions as "My Visits to the Secular Bookhouse" This draft of a piece later published as "My Visits to the Secular Bookhouse" was contributed by Merton to the Staff Log, an employee publication of the Louisville Free Public Library. Merton writes in gratitude for Louisville's library and librarians and in praise of librarians in general, also giving insights into some of his varied interests in literature and music.
Cookson, William (editor). Agenda: Vol. 2, no. 11 and 12 (March-April 1963 / London : Agenda, 1963). Thomas Merton's Marginalia Collection. Inscribed to Thomas Merton by W. H. "Ping" Ferry. Contents: Canto CXI / Ezra Pound -- The Tutelar of the Place / David Jones -- Two Poems / Donald Hall -- Didactic Poem / Peter Levi, S.J. -- On Peter Levi / John Bayley.
What Are These Wounds? the life of a Cistercian mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières, by Thomas Merton. Manuscript proof of the book's preface with handwritten corrections. Typed manuscript proof with handwritten corrections of Merton's book, What Are These Wounds? (likely an editor's corrections and not Merton's corrections).
St. Robert of Molesme and the Foundation of Cîteaux. Extract from Thomas Merton's "Cistercian History. Notes." Handwritten notes by Thomas Merton on Citeaux and Saint Robert of Molesme likely used as an outline for teaching novices monastic history. This extract from a longer group of notes is Section 6 in "Cistercian History. Notes" from Merton Center Sub-Section E.1.
The Annunciation excerpt from a manuscript of The Ascent to Truth Page 397 of a manuscript of "The Ascent to Truth" corresponding to page 317 of the first published edition by Harcourt Brace in 1951. The manuscript has a draft title of "The Ascent to Light."
- "The Awakening of a New Consciousness in Zen," paper by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, review by Thomas Merton.