Correspondence: Letters to and from Thomas Merton
Item set
1967-11-18: Letter from Rev. Mother Abbess Marie of the Assumption, PCC to the Abbess of the Monastery of Saint Clare, Lowell, Massachusetts This letter from one abbess to another, regards Merton's article "Openness and the Cloister", and speaks of aggiornamento of the religious life in regard to the observance of silence. [3 pages on one sheet, an air mail letter.]
1967-11-18: Letter from David Friend Aberle to Thomas Merton W. H. "Ping" Ferry had asked David Aberle, an anthropologist, to write to Merton about the Sioux (Lakota) and about Sitting Bull. Though not an expert on the Lakota, Aberle offers some resources and advice. Merton responds that he is most interested in background on the Ghost Dance. David F. Aberle was a professor of anthropology at University of British Columbia whose specialty was the study of the Navajos.
- 1967-09-18 (#02): Attachment to letter to Thomas Merton from "De Roo, Remi Joseph, Bishop, 1924-2022," (recommendation to the Second Vatican Council to make changes to canon law to officially recognize hermits in monastic and religious life)
- 1967-09-18 (#01): Letter to Thomas Merton from "De Roo, Remi Joseph, Bishop, 1924-2022"
1968-04-22 - Letter from Merton to Nancy Fly Bredenberg. on Bredenberg's thoughts of transferring from Vassar to Berkeley / Andrea Pfeiffenberger / poems by Pfeiffenberger and Bredenberg / suggested revisions to Bredenberg's poem / David Ignatow and Russel Edson
1968-04-03 - Letter to Merton from Nancy Fly Bredenberg. [mentions sending poem - poem not included with letter] plans of transfer to Berkeley
1968-03 (date approximate) - Letter to Merton from Nancy Fly Bredenberg. spring vacation hitchhiking to San Francisco / presidential election - Kennedy and McCarthy
1968-02-12 - Letter to Merton from Nancy Fly Bredenberg. Merton's "Edifying Cables" and Bob Dylan / sending two Vassar student publications Bredenberg edited - Review and Coccatrice / submissions to Monks Pond
1967-12-19 - Letter to Merton from Nancy Fly Bredenberg. Denise Levertov leaving Vassar - connection with the Peace Movement
1967-12-11 - Letter from Merton to Nancy Fly Bredenberg. Spanish and Latin American poets / Zukofsky favorite of North American poets / importance of Merton's writing, but out of mainstream writing world - "not a regular 'Catholic poet'"